Search results for query: *

  1. L

    Quest A Sword Through the Multiverse: Stabbing Space Whales[A FSN/Worm quest]

    Not saying it doesn't fit the Narrative, I think it would only work if someone acts completely out of character. For example say the relationship roll is a complete crit fail from out of no where and everything else is fine. How do you get the two of them to tear into each other without being...
  2. L

    Quest A Sword Through the Multiverse: Stabbing Space Whales[A FSN/Worm quest]

    No from the sound of it he got a bad roll that fucks the situation up so badly that it doesn't make sense in story terms. I'd say just reroll the fucking dice and get on with it, but that doesn't seem to be an option he'll consider.
  3. L

    Quest A Sword Through the Multiverse: Stabbing Space Whales[A FSN/Worm quest]

    If the roll was so shit that writing for it is giving you this much trouble then I think you should just reroll for something that makes more sense.
  4. L

    Quest A Sword Through the Multiverse: Stabbing Space Whales[A FSN/Worm quest]

    Yeah they really need to set up the alert feature where the OP posting always creates an alert. Otherwise it's near impossible to know when a story or quest that had to pause for weeks or months has resumed without constantly checking your watched stories. Which is the thing alerts are supposed...
  5. L

    Quest A Sword Through the Multiverse: Stabbing Space Whales[A FSN/Worm quest]

    Well I think Shirou should finish what he started at the Ritz only if it's another turn or two, and then quit. That was only a job to build up the money for a home, and the starting cash for the CD players/company. As to the Ritz how far along are we until they can thrive on their own with a...
  6. L

    Quest A Sword Through the Multiverse: Stabbing Space Whales[A FSN/Worm quest]

    They didn't go over the moral event horizon until AFTER the Endbringers showed up. Until Hero go murdered and they did nothing. They'll catch Doc, and Contessa attention, keep in mind I think this is before they started to hand out vials of power. So make a large enough splash might cause Doc...
  7. L

    Quest A Sword Through the Multiverse: Stabbing Space Whales[A FSN/Worm quest]

    So is this what Saber's armor looks like right now?
  8. L

    Quest A Sword Through the Multiverse: Stabbing Space Whales[A FSN/Worm quest]

    So I take it finding this Jason Byrne is now going to be a complete and total bitch? Are they just going to have a SAS sniper pointed at the entrance of every electronics seller with a picture of this asshole next to him?
  9. L

    Quest A Sword Through the Multiverse: Stabbing Space Whales[A FSN/Worm quest]

    Something fucked up is going on. The last two updates didn't even show up on my alert list nevermind my email. 😖
  10. L

    Quest A Sword Through the Multiverse: Stabbing Space Whales[A FSN/Worm quest]

    I think Shirou could seriously use an upgrade of that Charisma 1.
  11. L

    Quest A Sword Through the Multiverse: Stabbing Space Whales[A FSN/Worm quest]

    Haven't we already surrounded her with shields to the point that until we dismiss them no one can reach her?
  12. L

    Quest A Sword Through the Multiverse: Stabbing Space Whales[A FSN/Worm quest]

    He was on Space Battles yesterday. @Speaker4thesilent I know you had your reasons for moving the quest here, but if moving it here causes you to forget about it or for you to lose interest in updating I'm not sure if this is the right site to continue it for now. After all when you were doing...
  13. L

    Quest A Sword Through the Multiverse: Stabbing Space Whales[A FSN/Worm quest]

    [X] Don your armor! -[X] Armor up, then peek inside. --[X] Depending on if it's an attack or someone trying out "odd" abilities should decide any further action. ---[X] If it is an attack, disable the attacker as quickly as possible with the help of Arturia. ---[X] If it's not an attack pull...
  14. L

    Quest A Sword Through the Multiverse: Stabbing Space Whales[A FSN/Worm quest]

    So how is it going you tease?
  15. L

    Quest A Sword Through the Multiverse: Stabbing Space Whales[A FSN/Worm quest]

    Good update, are we back to regular updates again?
  16. L

    Quest A Sword Through the Multiverse: Stabbing Space Whales[A FSN/Worm quest]

    They at least put a picc line in him for the duration of the treatment right?
  17. L

    Quest A Sword Through the Multiverse: Stabbing Space Whales[A FSN/Worm quest]

    As someone that has built every computer from parts since I was 12, you have the worst fucking luck...
  18. L

    Quest A Sword Through the Multiverse: Stabbing Space Whales[A FSN/Worm quest]

    It doesn't say good things about the continuation of the quest when S4S has been on SB all week, but hasn't been here since monday.