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  1. Laskar

    Why Did You Choose To Register & Enter This Thread?

    You never know. When you no longer have to worry about getting nailed down for sticking up, it changes your lurking habits into posting habits. Or at least it did for me.
  2. Laskar

    Why Did You Choose To Register & Enter This Thread?

    Eye opener in a good way, or a bad way?
  3. Laskar

    Why Did You Choose To Register & Enter This Thread?

    Politics is downstream of culture. If the userbase turns into a toxic mess more concerned with getting one over the other guy than having a good time, then there's not a lot that the administration can do to stop it. Not even sure that the mods could have slowed it down, short of nuking...
  4. Laskar

    Why Did You Choose To Register & Enter This Thread?

    You mean how a lot of posts calling for violence were infracted? And then those infractions disappeared? And then reappeared after a bunch of folks over on QQ noticed that something screwy was going on? Yeah. My involvement with CRW is limited, but this matches up with what I've heard from...