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  1. Lord Sovereign

    What Should The Right Wing Be?

    I agree with everything else you've said except this. Most people do feel ties to their birthplace and would like to see it continue. These individuals also tend to live in reality and are thus aware "shit happens." Threats can come out of the blue and it's better to be ready for them. I reckon...
  2. Lord Sovereign

    What Should The Right Wing Be?

    The military decline of Europe in general is a sad thing to behold. Whilst Russia at the very least has ambition to recuperate some of its former power, everyone else seems content to keep declining. There is no vision nor ambition for our elite (a government possessing such things could truly...
  3. Lord Sovereign

    What Should The Right Wing Be?

    Something I feel the Right must commit to, because it seems no one else will, is military independence. I myself am very grateful for the age of peace and prosperity the United States has provided us, but remaining America's dependent forever simply won't do. We must emphatically reject peace...
  4. Lord Sovereign

    What Should The Right Wing Be?

    I do agree with ShieldWife to an extent, that small actions really do matter. So much so, by changing your community you can change the world. But the Right must gain political power, and then, rightly or wrongly, use that power to crowbar the Left out of the institutions and slam the doors...
  5. Lord Sovereign

    What Should The Right Wing Be?

    If things get worse, those guns will be useful. They would have an absolute hell of a time trying to take them off a populace that would be, by that point, very concerned about an encroaching government. Do not estimate what a few hundred thousand armed and determined people can do. As for guns...
  6. Lord Sovereign

    What Should The Right Wing Be?

    And how are they going to do that? If heavily armed people want to organise in the streets, I'm not sure how they can stop that. When the demobbed vet with his AR-15 raises an eyebrow at overweight 5ft Officer Sheridon with her hand gun, the jig would be up. And that's before the ANTI-FA neets...
  7. Lord Sovereign

    What Should The Right Wing Be?

    Again, what happens when violent right-wingers don't hand their guns over?
  8. Lord Sovereign

    What Should The Right Wing Be?

    Given how dire the situation would be by that point, what happens when these Right wing militant groups don't hand their guns over? The Left may suddenly be confronted with a problem all the institutional power in the world can't legislate away. Anyone who says "the pen is mightier than the...
  9. Lord Sovereign

    What Should The Right Wing Be?

    You'll always have hubs of commerce and international trade, I'm afraid. Yes, it could perhaps become more spread out but it will concentrate in certain areas more than others, leading to cities. That aside, I think a very good idea for the Right to embrace is that of National self reliance...
  10. Lord Sovereign

    What Should The Right Wing Be?

    I think it would be difficult to make society religious again, if not impossible, but Cultural Christianity is something that should be pushed and the Right should embrace. That way you come across as less of an Evangelist and more "I know the whole God stuff is a bit iffy, but the virtues and...
  11. Lord Sovereign

    What Should The Right Wing Be?

    I think adulation of the nation itself and the reverence of its history should prove a sufficient core for the Right across the world. Indeed, it is the desire to uphold the traditions and work of our forefathers that brings us into direct conflict with the unyielding Revolution Boner of the...
  12. Lord Sovereign

    What Should The Right Wing Be?

    The Right must dispel with its naivety and realise it is in a new age. Gone are the Whigs and Classical Liberals of old, who have been utterly overthrown and usurped by Socialism. This idea is inherently revolutionary and totalitarian, being in a constant state of war with every other ideology...