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  1. Lord Sovereign

    History What are some of your most contraversial takes on history?

    I wouldn't quite go that far, as I don't think there are any true "villains" in the American War of Independence. I just feel Britain gets vilified far too much.
  2. Lord Sovereign

    History What are some of your most contraversial takes on history?

    Here's a controversial opinion. The British were not the puppy kicking, mustache twirling, villains of 1776. And King George III was not the tyrant many modern Americans believe him to be.
  3. Lord Sovereign

    History What are some of your most contraversial takes on history?

    Oh don't get me wrong, I'm no friend to fascists. I was just reckoning it would be politically expedient for them, and end a lot of chaos in their ideology, if they cut ties with National Socialism. Given what a mess globalism will leave behind, I think the general public will be very...
  4. Lord Sovereign

    History What are some of your most contraversial takes on history?

    As I understand it a good chunk of the Grand Fascist Council not only despised the Nazis, they also cringed themselves into orbit over Mussolini's association with them. It really does beggar belief that so many modern fascists lionise National Socialism, when the vicious insanity of the Third...
  5. Lord Sovereign

    History What are some of your most contraversial takes on history?

    Then you are fools. Nazi Germany saw the Poles as subhuman. You were fit only to be a slave race in the eyes of the Third Reich's rulers and any deal you'd have made with them wouldn't be worth the paper it was written on.
  6. Lord Sovereign

    History What are some of your most contraversial takes on history?

    I'd also add that the modern economy and all its debt is built on a model of unending growth. I believe one of the fundamental ideas of Keynesianism is you have to stop people saving and keep them spending to maintain the growth. Nothing, however, grows forever. So this is ultimately a futile...
  7. Lord Sovereign

    History What are some of your most contraversial takes on history?

    Classic case in point of that is the Norsemen being far more than hairy barbarians. These chaps practiced essentially a far more functional version of Athenian democracy whilst their seamen sailed across the sodding Atlantic in flat bottomed boats. Not quite as "mad lad" as the Polynesians...
  8. Lord Sovereign

    History What are some of your most contraversial takes on history?

    Here's my controversial take on history: The Middle Ages were a far more sophisticated and advanced time than anyone gives it credit for. The Romans, Greeks, and Egyptians could not have built Cathedrals. Yes, some of their structures were bigger, but the amount of craftsmanship and detail...
  9. Lord Sovereign

    History What are some of your most contraversial takes on history?

    Worry not! They'd probably just go off to conquer Mexico or some Caribbean islands in such circumstances. Remember, the default Roman attitude towards geopolitics is expand.
  10. Lord Sovereign

    History What are some of your most contraversial takes on history?

    Insane thing is, as I understand it that would either be frowned on in Roman society or outright illegal under Roman law. Just goes to show how far off the rails the Southern States had gone.
  11. Lord Sovereign

    History What are some of your most contraversial takes on history?

    Here's an incredibly hot take. Pre-20th century societies and cultures participating in a trade that was deemed acceptable and normal for as long as we've had writing, if not earlier, does not make them evil. Granted, it isn't acceptable today, but the 21st century is a very small slice of...
  12. Lord Sovereign

    History What are some of your most contraversial takes on history?

    "Don't tread on me" is not the same as "abolish the family." Herein is conclusive proof that reactionaries just don't know when to stop reacting. Whiggery in a vacuum is a problem, but when it's attached to a proper moral framework (as Classical Liberals did with Christianity) it can work...
  13. Lord Sovereign

    History What are some of your most contraversial takes on history? of these is not like the two...
  14. Lord Sovereign

    History What are some of your most contraversial takes on history?

    John Snow and Joseph Lister in particular, although it might be said they came up with serious practical applications of it. The former played a significant role in figuring out how Cholera worked, came up with the idea of boiling water before use, and discerned the source of a particularly...
  15. Lord Sovereign

    History What are some of your most contraversial takes on history?

    Yes, there was a time when the white ensign of our mighty Royal Navy was the most feared sight for any slave ship. To add to that, the British Empire also destroyed itself to defeat Nazi Germany, one of the most horrific regimes in history. We done good.
  16. Lord Sovereign

    History What are some of your most contraversial takes on history?

    The British Empire, birthplace of the Industrial Revolution and much of modern medicine, bringer of parliaments and common law to distant corners of the globe, and master of BTFOing the French, was the greatest in history. Seriously, we invented the bloody steam engine and had a prominent role...
  17. Lord Sovereign

    History What are some of your most contraversial takes on history?

    Liberalism doesn't have anywhere near the same kind of blood on its hands. The worst thing you can say about it is that, without a strong set of ethics to frame it, or even religion, it can all too easily descend into thoughtless and self-destructive hedonism. This is a very far cry from...
  18. Lord Sovereign

    History What are some of your most contraversial takes on history?

    So, one of the more famed and undeniably horrific events of the South African Apartheid is the Sharpeville Massacre, where armed police shot quite a few unarmed people (more than a few in the back as they ran). This has often been seen as a key moment in the history of the anti-apartheid...
  19. Lord Sovereign

    History What are some of your most contraversial takes on history?

    Half right. It was the sort of event that made the second coming of Caesar look like the one sane man in the room. Vive l'Empereur! On that tangent, after the cataclysm of the French Revolution, Napoleon Bonaparte was one of the best things that ever happened to France. Absolute goddamn chad...