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  1. LordsFire

    Tucker Carlson Leaving Fox News

    It would be a phenomenal way to make him the most famous living journalist.
  2. LordsFire

    Tucker Carlson Leaving Fox News

    Give him a glock and a bomb vest and you'd be more accurate.
  3. LordsFire

    Tucker Carlson Leaving Fox News

    I think the US has too many troops deployed in too many places too. But if you think it's the US getting involved in the ME that caused jihadis to hate us, you know nothing about Islamic theology. If you think that it's because we're helping the Ukrainians that Putin and his ilk hate us, you...
  4. LordsFire

    Tucker Carlson Leaving Fox News

    You are failing to understand some basic human psychology. Bullies only respect strength. It doesn't matter if you're ten times his size, or if you have ten friends who are all gym bros. If you have no willingness to use any of that strength, they'll push you around until either you've given...
  5. LordsFire

    Tucker Carlson Leaving Fox News

    Then why do you speak in support of Russia's interests? Russia is not willing to have peace without being allowed to conquer its neighbors by force. Thus, force is being used to stop it. When someone decides to start a fight, the only way to stop them is to fight them until they decide they've...
  6. LordsFire

    Tucker Carlson Leaving Fox News

    Are you willing to send your money to Russia? Are you willing to go fight against the Ukrainians yourself?
  7. LordsFire

    Tucker Carlson Leaving Fox News

    First off, Russia has Imperial Ambitions. Putin is on record as thinking that the break-up of the USSR was the greatest tragedy of the 20th century, or something to that effect. He wants to rebuild the Russian Empire, and he wants to rule the world's dominant power. Everyone and anyone who...
  8. LordsFire

    Tucker Carlson Leaving Fox News

    Given how literally insane most of this is (I agree there's far too many psychopaths and pederasts in the US leadership), I'd honestly think more of you if you were a paid shill. At least then there'd be some kind of self-interest in your bizzaro take on the war. You are actively supporting the...
  9. LordsFire

    Tucker Carlson Leaving Fox News

    So, at this point it's a genuine question: Are you being paid to repeat propaganda?
  10. LordsFire

    Tucker Carlson Leaving Fox News

    ...Ukraine has very clear victory conditions. Once Russian forces are off of Ukrainian soil, they are eligible for admission into NATO. Once they are in NATO, Russia can no longer afford to attack. Ukraine also has a clear reason to stop at their own borders; defensive use of nuclear weapons...
  11. LordsFire

    Tucker Carlson Leaving Fox News

    Of course they have a choice. When has reality ever stopped power-hungry men from wasting the lives and treasure of others, to try to pursue more power and treasure?
  12. LordsFire

    Tucker Carlson Leaving Fox News

    They can't accept that. If they could, they'd already have stopped. Maybe after Russia's internal politics change, or long grueling years of war where the lines don't change much, but right now, that would be admitting the invasion of Ukraine failed, something Putin cannot afford to do.
  13. LordsFire

    Tucker Carlson Leaving Fox News

    Absolutely nothing good comes from Russia winning. Absolute best case scenario, they choke to death fighting Ukrainian partisans, enacting an escalating spiral of brutal reprisals against a populous that hates them, until either the Russian occupation is driven out, it turns into an outright...
  14. LordsFire

    Tucker Carlson Leaving Fox News

    This isn't the cataclysm you seem to think it is. It's bad, but if that was going to doom Ukraine, Russia's own population bomb was going to doom it just as badly. I could go on, but there's already enough derailing going on in this thread.
  15. LordsFire

    Tucker Carlson Leaving Fox News

    This is the part I've still never seen an explanation for. Why do so many people keep claiming Ukraine can't win?
  16. LordsFire

    Tucker Carlson Leaving Fox News

    Don't let Bacle and Zachowon represent all of us in your mind. I think what Tucker's doing is probably foolish, but since we're not actually at war, it's absolutely something he's allowed to do. I have some vague hope he'll actually realize Putin is an explicit enemy of not just America, but...
  17. LordsFire

    Tucker Carlson Leaving Fox News

    Some Republicans. Most conservatives are quite alright with supporting the Ukrainians to rough the Russians up so that we don't have to.
  18. LordsFire

    Tucker Carlson Leaving Fox News

    I've been saying for quite some time now, Bacle still thinks like a leftist.
  19. LordsFire

    Tucker Carlson Leaving Fox News

    We are not in a declared state of war with Russia, so he's not going to face legal consequences just for going over there and interviewing him. Hopefully, he'll either actually ask some meaningful questions, report on what questions he wasn't allowed to ask once he gets back to the US, or...
  20. LordsFire

    Tucker Carlson Leaving Fox News

    He's the President of a nation that's been invaded. He has a moral obligation to try to get every bit of support for his people that he can. Every single combat platform, case of shells, etc, might save one or more of his soldiers' or civilians' lives. As to the second part of this, can you...