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  1. LordsFire

    Philosophy Why Individualism is False

    Your argumentation thus far, is to assert things, and use appeal-to-authority arguments. If you continue in this pattern, you can expect to be talked down to a lot, because your arguments are, quite frankly, terrible. Even children can make more effective 'appeal to emotion' arguments, but your...
  2. LordsFire

    Philosophy Why Individualism is False

    A Libertarian might claim he's not giving his consent, but when he does not refuse to follow laws, he is in fact consenting. I do not agree with the mask edict in Michigan, but I follow it when going into businesses because I do not want to cause trouble for them, and in this I consent to follow...
  3. LordsFire

    Philosophy Why Individualism is False

    Alright, so! Henry Ford, The Wright Brothers, John D. Rockefeller, Steve Jobs, Bill Gates, Sam Walden, and many, many more people that aren't as readily recognizeable by name. Social mobility isn't a myth, in America, it's a fact of life. An enormous number of immigrants in the 19th century...
  4. LordsFire

    Philosophy Why Individualism is False

    No. You are believing in a fantasy society that has not and will never exist. You don't think there was intense jealousy on the part of the lower classes towards the upper in rigidly stratified society? You think that elitism and disdain didn't flow back down the social order? You don't think...
  5. LordsFire

    Philosophy Why Individualism is False

    No. 'Keeping up with the Joneses' is something people do when they are trying to raise themselves in the social order. When you do not feel the need to do so because your identity is not based on the social order, things are much healthier. Conversely, when *you* are trying to find your...
  6. LordsFire

    Philosophy Why Individualism is False

    Well, that's a load of crap. The most dangerous kind of crap too, because it does touch on a couple things that are actually true, and that glimmer of truth is often enough to convince people that the whole of the supposition is true, when it very much is not. Adam Katz is wrong. It isn't...
  7. LordsFire

    Philosophy Why Individualism is False

    No, no, and no. Having your identity firmly grounded in God, frees you to treat other people in a Godly way. When I know I am Loved regardless of how others treat me (a knowing and understanding that is in many ways the struggle of being a follower of Christ), then I can be Loving to someone...
  8. LordsFire

    Philosophy Why Individualism is False

    You are using the word 'individualist' in a way that actual individualists (barring a few fringe outliers), do not actually use the word. Hence the accusations of strawmanning. If you want to keep picking a fight with that version of individualism, be my guest. You're fighting something that...
  9. LordsFire

    Philosophy Why Individualism is False

    And this is why you are being accused of attacking a straw man, and of non-Biblical theology. 'No social order can exist under individualism' is a hell of an assertion. In the case of the straw-man individualism you believe in, that might even be the case. In the kind of individualism I believe...
  10. LordsFire

    Philosophy Why Individualism is False

    I never argued that we were supposed to exclusively have relationship with God. I argued that our relationship with God is that which defines is, and our relationship with people is subordinate to that. I never tried to argue that we should only have relationship with God; if you actually read...
  11. LordsFire

    Philosophy Why Individualism is False

    I took a fair bit of time to make sure I constructed my counterpoint to this properly. And also, because quite frankly, it was hard to wrap my mind around someone claiming to be Christian rejecting such a fundamental part of the Gospel. We'll start with Genesis 2, what the relationship was...
  12. LordsFire

    Philosophy Why Individualism is False

    You've demonstrated no such thing. Your argumentation is in ignorance of basic Christian doctrine at very basic levels: This is wrong. The identity of a person is, first and foremost, defined by their relationship with God. My identity is affected by my relationship with my family. It is...
  13. LordsFire

    Philosophy Why Individualism is False

    @The Name of Love Perhaps I'm mis-remembering, but I was under the impression you were a Christian?