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  1. LordsFire

    Taiwan Straights Tension

    Taiwan has no meaningful ability to try to invade the Chinese mainland. The same issues with amphibious assault that make China invading Taiwan so difficult in spite of their massive size advantage, make Taiwan trying the reverse basically suicidal. Maybe if the CCP implodes and the nation...
  2. LordsFire

    Taiwan Straights Tension

    Yes, and the SAM made air power obsolete, and after that the latest Soviet Superplane meant that American/NATO aircraft would be swept from the skies, and after that Iraq's massive grid of soviet AA hardware would sweep coalition aircraft from the skies if they tried to invade, and after that...
  3. LordsFire

    Taiwan Straights Tension

    I'm pretty sure TSMC is contractually obligated to not let IPR fall into other hands, like the Chinese, anyways. They don't own most of the designs they produce, those mostly come from the US and Japan, IIRC.
  4. LordsFire

    Taiwan Straights Tension

    This is completely missing the point. Basically every utter moral failing and disastrous policy that the Democratic party and the political left in general was overwhelmingly or exclusively responsible for in America, they tar and feather their opponents for, while acting like they had nothing...
  5. LordsFire

    Taiwan Straights Tension

    Pathological self-delusion is honestly kind of creepy to watch in action. Most people with what I consider 'crazy' political beliefs have at least some form of internal self-consistency, even if a really shallow one. There will always be at least a few gaps, but most of their belief system has...
  6. LordsFire

    Taiwan Straights Tension

    It really says something about the Communist mindset, that they can't just go 'Well, those losers can go suffer under the horrors of capitalism. We'll go clean up their mess once it inevitably collapses.' They don't even believe in their professed ideology themselves.
  7. LordsFire

    Taiwan Straights Tension

    The fevered dreams of the CCP.
  8. LordsFire

    Taiwan Straights Tension

    One of the strange quirks of evil, is its tendency to do exactly the opposite of what is a good idea.
  9. LordsFire

    Taiwan Straights Tension

    Pelosi has too much personal money in Taiwan to be willing to do that.
  10. LordsFire

    Taiwan Straights Tension

    And everything that China has doctrinally is either just as bad or worse. Do I need to dig up the article where a French soldier who did a tour with American forces talks about his experience? One minute...
  11. LordsFire

    Taiwan Straights Tension

    This is a very good point. If we're going to hold a standard of 'better than the Russians' as needed for an enemy to count as competent, then literally every competent military in the world is allied with us. In which case, performance against Iraq, in either 91 or 2003, is a perfectly...
  12. LordsFire

    Taiwan Straights Tension

    It's like you've never noticed the history of communist nations when it comes to building war machines. Here, let me illustrate that for you in meme format: This is, of course, the memey version, but it is pretty much exactly on point for the course of the entire Cold War. And frankly, the...
  13. LordsFire

    Taiwan Straights Tension

    Good grief. Every time I think 'Maybe he's not as crazy as I remember,' I come across one of your posts like this. This isn't a sober analysis of a serious threat, it's hysteria. There's a lot of problems with what you've posted here, but probably the biggest problem of them all is as follows...
  14. LordsFire

    Taiwan Straights Tension

    The entire US war machine is oriented around minimizing the amount of casualties that we suffer. Keep in mind that in the entirety of the Iraq and Afghanistan wars, we suffered 2420 dead over 20 years in Afghanistan, and 4,507 over 8 years in Iraq. If there's one thing the US populace has...
  15. LordsFire

    Taiwan Straights Tension

    Their navy is actually very heavy on short-range landing craft designed primarily for hitting Taiwan. They've done a good job of at least proportioning their Navy for the mission it's most likely to face. Whether the ships they've built are actually any good, on the other hand...
  16. LordsFire

    Taiwan Straights Tension

    Pelosi actually visiting does not present weakness, so they're getting mixed messages. This could indeed be preparation for an invasion. It could also be nothing except posturing, but then some over-achiever in the PLAN decides to get 'patriotic' and starts firing on Taiwanese. Maybe this will...
  17. LordsFire

    Taiwan Straights Tension

    I am entirely sympathetic to you on the issue of there being no depth to which the Federal government, especially under Democratic control, will not descend. However, you have to keep some other things in mind as well. Particularly that Biden is not the only person in position to make a...
  18. LordsFire

    Taiwan Straights Tension

    That works with some products, but not with others. The sliding scale between the two can be hard to properly discern if you don't work in that kind of field.
  19. LordsFire

    Taiwan Straights Tension

    It depends on who is in the White House. If the US commits to helping Taiwan fight off China, the war will be very, very short. Short wars rarely have the time to become wildly unpopular at home.