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  1. LordsFire

    How much purchasing power would you be willing to lose to support Ukraine?

    I agree with your greater point that the US has some ulterior motives in Ukraine, and Biden may not be capable of benevolence anymore given how systematically he's worn away his own conscience, but... Thinking the US wants Ukraine for airbases is just showing your ignorance on this subject...
  2. LordsFire

    How much purchasing power would you be willing to lose to support Ukraine?

    Because Russia under Putin has clearly demonstrated that it's still perfectly willing to gobble up chunks of neighboring countries if you let it. Putin said that the collapse of the USSR was a tragedy. Anyone in Europe who doesn't want to be ruled from Moscow should be happy to see the Russians...
  3. LordsFire

    How much purchasing power would you be willing to lose to support Ukraine?

    And here we really get to the root of it. You bet some of your personal wealth on Russia, and you're salty about losing that bet, with a high probability of losing even harder. Your entire stance on the Russia/Ukraine conflict has come across more and more like a protracted temper tantrum over...
  4. LordsFire

    How much purchasing power would you be willing to lose to support Ukraine?

    And the topic is a false framing, especially for those of us here in the US. As I explained in my first post on the thread, it is leftist environmentalist and budgetary policies that are causing inflation and loss of PPP. If the Dems hadn't cheated their way to control of the White House and...
  5. LordsFire

    How much purchasing power would you be willing to lose to support Ukraine?

    This isn't a 'simple, specific question,' it is a classic attempt to frame a topic by the way you raise, it the way that you frame it making it functionally impossible for anyone to conclude anything except that you are right. It's little surprise people reject your framing; it's also little...
  6. LordsFire

    How much purchasing power would you be willing to lose to support Ukraine?

    The question is a false imposition. Loss in PPP in the US is only indirectly linked to the war in Ukraine, if the malicious actors in the environmental movement and the political left in general weren't deliberately sabotaging the economy, the war would have resulted in an increase in PPP. Why...