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  1. Megadeath

    United States Biden administration policies and actions - megathread

    I think he's saying that the Germans have transitioned from saying Germans did it, to Nazis did it, to Polish did it. If that’s right, whilst I don't know what the education curriculum teaches, it's certainly been my experience that the Germans I've met had no misunderstandings about history...
  2. Megadeath

    United States Biden administration policies and actions - megathread

    Why is working for the government relevant? It's not like they have them recite the thing at the start of each work day, and there's not many people even working for the government who are going to be dealing with constitutional issues with any kind of regularity.
  3. Megadeath

    United States Biden administration policies and actions - megathread

    When the proposed solution is simply "reduce or eliminate the fees" and the problem is "excessive fees" I actually think that being opposed to that proposal does mean "you oppose all solution, huh?" That seems like an unlikely, and even ludicrous position, thus me looking for clarification...
  4. Megadeath

    United States Biden administration policies and actions - megathread

    And I'm not a big fan of being called disingenuous. I asked if there was a problem with the policy, or just the cynical implementation. The response was basically a point by point explanation of why each of the exampled fees was a positive. Further, in this case the "abusive practice" is jacked...
  5. Megadeath

    United States Biden administration policies and actions - megathread

    So... You're in favour of banks using artificially high "gocha" late fees, to ensure they have enough profit to give credit cards to riskier clients? And all the rest. You didn't need to go through point by point like that, ya know? I was just asking if there was another issue or if it was just...
  6. Megadeath

    United States Biden administration policies and actions - megathread

    Is there any issue with the actual proposed plan? Or is it just the complaint as old as time, that a politician did a thing for cynical advantage as much as for ethical or policy reasons?
  7. Megadeath

    United States Biden administration policies and actions - megathread

    Which of trumps opponents did he pardon? I'm not familiar with such cases off the top of my head, and it feels a very un-trump thing to do.
  8. Megadeath

    United States Biden administration policies and actions - megathread

    Swimming is a good one, at the pool for 2-3 hours every Friday with my little girl. Had to cut down on gym time since we had her though. :) Thanks for the (slightly odd) advice though!
  9. Megadeath

    United States Biden administration policies and actions - megathread

    Casus belli "for war" is tautological.
  10. Megadeath

    United States Biden administration policies and actions - megathread

    Uh... This is a policy and actions thread, not an election one?
  11. Megadeath

    United States Biden administration policies and actions - megathread

    You're reaching. People like you (In that they said Thing X) then went on to say (Thing Y). Doesn't necessarily hold true that he's saying you must also believe (Thing Y). The line "and that means I must also be the kind of person who would make fun of people who actually volunteer to go in...
  12. Megadeath

    United States Biden administration policies and actions - megathread

    Ignoring everything else, that obviously speaks very poorly of you.
  13. Megadeath

    United States Biden administration policies and actions - megathread

    So... You don't listen to experts, people who disagree with you, or even your own arguments when other people make them. Other than the voices screaming childish obscenities to bounce around your echoing skull, who do you listen to? (Maybe that all explains why you apparently truly believe the...
  14. Megadeath

    United States Biden administration policies and actions - megathread

    ----> The point ----> Your head
  15. Megadeath

    United States Biden administration policies and actions - megathread

    Uh, ackshually, there was no ACW you retarded sheep. :rolleyes: Have you ever met anyone who was there? Everything you've ever read came from left wing experts, you know? Oh, you think there's primary sources? Who do you think "compiled" those? (More like concocted, amirite?) It's just a...
  16. Megadeath

    United States Biden administration policies and actions - megathread

    Their willingness to trade may well have changed with the evolving circumstances, but if it was a direct choice between the two I would agree to that the government had some greater duty of care to the former marine and also greater cause to worry about his future given the different "crimes" so...
  17. Megadeath

    United States Biden administration policies and actions - megathread

    How? If the deal to get some random female athlete with dreamt up drug charges was this lop sided, what do you think they're asking for the former marine accused of espionage?
  18. Megadeath

    United States Biden administration policies and actions - megathread

    Okay... Well, you linked to a different subsection of the article, so I was assuming that was the part you were considering relevant. That said, I did see that but didn't really see the relevance. If anything it seems to disagree with your claim. I mean, look at the last paragraph of the bit...
  19. Megadeath

    United States Biden administration policies and actions - megathread

    And you're refusing to engage with what I said. By the standards you're suggesting, congressional staffers posting to facebook would be illegal, so would press conferences, or Nixon going down to talk with protesters at the Lincoln memorial. It would be illegal for them to take action or...