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  1. MelancholicMechanicus

    Election 2020 Election Fraud: Let's face it, this year will be a shitshow

    TV man said there is no evidence and that the lawsuits were thrown out, so there must be no evidence and no lawsuits running. When did TV man ever lie to us?
  2. MelancholicMechanicus

    Election 2020 Election Fraud: Let's face it, this year will be a shitshow
    Threadmarks: Giuliani Update

    Mods please stop issuing Fatwa's on my head The newest conference with Giuliani and his team. He talks about weird votes, backdating, ballot dumping and even touches on the subject that some Republicans might have used this cheating system too.
  3. MelancholicMechanicus

    Election 2020 Election Fraud: Let's face it, this year will be a shitshow

    Mods getting a bit too annoying ngl, let people talk for fucks sake.
  4. MelancholicMechanicus

    Election 2020 Election Fraud: Let's face it, this year will be a shitshow

    Fun fact: There is a precedent for redoing elections in the USA thanks to fraudulent voting.
  5. MelancholicMechanicus

    Election 2020 Election Fraud: Let's face it, this year will be a shitshow
    Threadmarks: Desperation sets in

    The Mainstream media is going into overdrive to hide it all
  6. MelancholicMechanicus

    Election 2020 Election Fraud: Let's face it, this year will be a shitshow
    Threadmarks: The Fire Rises
  7. MelancholicMechanicus

    Election 2020 Election Fraud: Let's face it, this year will be a shitshow
    Threadmarks: Hoist by their own petard

    In another display of mighty fine memetics Trump attacked the reliability of electronic voting using a clip from NBC News itself broadcast before the election.
  8. MelancholicMechanicus

    Election 2020 Election Fraud: Let's face it, this year will be a shitshow

    That is because those claims are wishful thinking. The left and mainstream media have completely divorced themselves from reality and fooled themselves into thinking belief makes reality. They can scream and shout as much as they want that this is over and Trump lost, doesn't change the fact...
  9. MelancholicMechanicus

    Election 2020 Election Fraud: Let's face it, this year will be a shitshow

    A biased source that shows it's sources and is open about it's biases and leanings is much more trustworthy than one that feigns to be neutral and constantly hides its narrative under unchecked providence.
  10. MelancholicMechanicus

    Election 2020 Election Fraud: Let's face it, this year will be a shitshow

    Bigger Font size = more truth That's just facts
  11. MelancholicMechanicus

    Election 2020 Election Fraud: Let's face it, this year will be a shitshow

    Bold of you to assume Twitter gives the slightest ammount of shits. If they could do it without getting sued they would be saying "Go fuck yourself fascist"
  12. MelancholicMechanicus

    Election 2020 Election Fraud: Let's face it, this year will be a shitshow
    Threadmarks: Trump has claimed PA

    It begins. Lmao "Official sources" my ass Twitter. You have no power here.
  13. MelancholicMechanicus

    Election 2020 Election Fraud: Let's face it, this year will be a shitshow
    Threadmarks: Infodump by Avenger77

    Shit is piling up real fast. If this is what we already know imagine what the court case looks like. Apparently Trump and his team said next week is when the hammers start to drop. The shitshow of a generation is coming fellas.
  14. MelancholicMechanicus

    Election 2020 Election Fraud: Let's face it, this year will be a shitshow

    The GA recount looks like a complete shitshow as they are not actually checking anything, and will likely go to a higher court.
  15. MelancholicMechanicus

    Election 2020 Election Fraud: Let's face it, this year will be a shitshow
    Threadmarks: Evidence piles up

    This website which wants to help gather evidence of voter fraud was being suppressed, seems to work fine now Unconfirmed but seems Big Tech has moved to stop talk of voter fraud States half assing recounts and simply ignoring the complaints of irregularity...
  16. MelancholicMechanicus

    Election 2020 Election Fraud: Let's face it, this year will be a shitshow

    Might I suggest again a Brazilian solution: You can't just change you voting place willy nilly. When you get a Voter-ID you are assigned to a voting machine. As in, you are given a electoral zone and number where every time you vote you go to that designated place to a designated voting machine...
  17. MelancholicMechanicus

    Election 2020 Election Fraud: Let's face it, this year will be a shitshow

    Complete chaos. If this is what just the internet has already found via public methods I can only imagine what Guilani has found with his years of Mafia busting skills and trained lawyers and funding. We might really see this election flip Trump, at which point many cities all over the USA will...
  18. MelancholicMechanicus

    Election 2020 Election Fraud: Let's face it, this year will be a shitshow

    That is such a weak comeback. "Oh we got a Clinton partnership JUST ONCE here is a AP article to prove." No one buys that. "We work with all political parties" funny how no one can find any Republicans involved in Dominion. "The U.S. Department of Homeland Security's Cybersecurity and...
  19. MelancholicMechanicus

    Election 2020 Election Fraud: Let's face it, this year will be a shitshow
    Threadmarks: No conflict of interest at all here guys!

    Lmao his name is literally Coomer. What is this timeline?