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  1. PsihoKekec

    German News - Old News Today

    The lengths some people will go to tick all the diverse boxes and humiliate the natives
  2. PsihoKekec

    German News - Old News Today

    It's good to know that authorities are dealing resolutely with the most important issues pestering the country.
  3. PsihoKekec

    German News - Old News Today

    Members of prominent german noble houses tend to be busy people and do not have time to associate themselves with groups that can't go past membership of two dozen.
  4. PsihoKekec

    German News - Old News Today

    Bunch of monarchist larpers give the government an excuse to do an evil rightwing extremists scare.
  5. PsihoKekec

    German News - Old News Today

    Wind farm dismantled to make way for coal mine I am no fan of coal (nukes FTW), but this news got me laughing out loud.
  6. PsihoKekec

    German News - Old News Today

    To be fair, while some of the inflation is due to Russian sanctions, most is the fallout of fuckers nearly doubling the money supply during the kung-flu lockdowns and the broken supply chains.
  7. PsihoKekec

    German News - Old News Today

    It looks like that in Germany you can only get euthanized if you are vaccinated or recovered from kung-flu. Assisted death only for vaccinated, euthanasia association says
  8. PsihoKekec

    German News - Old News Today

    Is that a Powerwolf fanfic?
  9. PsihoKekec

    German News - Old News Today

    Bismarck statue needs to be contextualised World's largest Otto von Bismarck statue to be 'CONTEXTUALIZED' with help from African artists in German design contest - report
  10. PsihoKekec

    German News - Old News Today

    Merkel's regime already tried that as far as I remember.
  11. PsihoKekec

    German News - Old News Today

    So the party of no ideas is set to be replaced the party of absolutely the worst ideas.
  12. PsihoKekec

    German News - Old News Today

    Gender & language spat in Germany after Justice Ministry drafts bill that uses only feminine endings
  13. PsihoKekec

    German News - Old News Today

    Government is coasting on strong economy it had no hand in creating, while kicking the real problems down the hall for the next generations to deal with. System of economic enslavement of EU for the benefit of the Germany and France was cemented by Kohl and Schröder, she only came by to reap the...
  14. PsihoKekec

    German News - Old News Today

    To be fair, Russians weren't all that keen on defending Serbia over regicide, but then the French prime minister urgently came to Sankt Petersburg to convince the Tzar to back the Serbia to the hilt. Serbia itself was a clusterfuck, they were gradually learning to coexist with AH after the Pig...
  15. PsihoKekec

    German News - Old News Today

    Which they haven't done since 1990 and probably didn't do it before either. The incidents we keep hearing about is their aircraft entering reaction area, which is an arbitrary limit at which the USAF will send their aircraft to check it out. The reason why we even hear about it is because USAF...
  16. PsihoKekec

    German News - Old News Today

    And how will masses of Somalis, Afganis and others on unemployment benefits help the welfare state remain solvent?
  17. PsihoKekec

    German News - Old News Today

    Merkel is a very shrewed politician when it comes to courting public opinion, her strategy was always to wait until she is certain of which course of action is most desired by her voting base and then moving in that direction. She also effectively removed everyone who could be her competition in...