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  1. Rocinante

    No longer in the shadows, Pentagon’s UFO unit will make some findings public

    yes With absolute game changing technology.
  2. Rocinante

    No longer in the shadows, Pentagon’s UFO unit will make some findings public

    As am I. I just follow the UFO/Alien stuff because I find it fascinating. I think aliens are one of the last possibilities on the list of possibilities. But with our monkey brained understanding of the universe, we can't presume to know how an interstellar specie's technology will work. I...
  3. Rocinante

    No longer in the shadows, Pentagon’s UFO unit will make some findings public

    You argue that aliens would set off a heat signature, but the phenomenon we have observed move without any friction with the atmosphere, no excessive heat signature (They have been seen on thermal, but it runs somewhat cool) and no sonic booms, and no indication of a mass drive. There is nothing...
  4. Rocinante

    No longer in the shadows, Pentagon’s UFO unit will make some findings public

    I just want Bob Lazar to be right about everything lol
  5. Rocinante

    No longer in the shadows, Pentagon’s UFO unit will make some findings public

    Even if we are the top dog (we are,) it's not too long before other countries start development on similar tech, unless we have something giving us a boost
  6. Rocinante

    No longer in the shadows, Pentagon’s UFO unit will make some findings public

    The thing with tech breakthroughs is that often enough, people have almost parallel thinking. If one person made a discovery, give it 5 years, maybe a decade, before someone else totally independent makes that same discovery. If say Newton and Einstein didn't make their breakthroughs, someone...
  7. Rocinante

    No longer in the shadows, Pentagon’s UFO unit will make some findings public

    The projector thing had me considering that for a bit but iirc in one of the released leaks, the object entered and left the water too and left some bubbling on the surface. So probably not a projection for all of these instances
  8. Rocinante

    No longer in the shadows, Pentagon’s UFO unit will make some findings public

    I don't know who else would have the tech levels necessary. This is probably the most likely answer. If not them, then china has some secret shit going on. It's possible they have stumbled across some big breakthroughs. Either way. Tech like this will be a game changer. Imagine drones and...
  9. Rocinante

    No longer in the shadows, Pentagon’s UFO unit will make some findings public

    Not denying it could be, but just illustrating what an advance this is technologically for the human race. There aren't even theoretical craft known the the public that could even come close to this. Like I said before. This breaks physics. This is sci fi level tech. Which is why, while I...
  10. Rocinante

    No longer in the shadows, Pentagon’s UFO unit will make some findings public

    Gen 6 aircraft don't defy physics. These UAPs do. The tech being used here is so advanced that it defies what we know about physics. 90 degree turns while flying at 40,000mph and no sonic booms.
  11. Rocinante

    No longer in the shadows, Pentagon’s UFO unit will make some findings public

    Whoever's tech it is. It's downright astonishing. 90 degree turns at known aircraft can handle even close to this. Not even remotely close. Like that article pointed out...some of our top tech stops being structurally stable at 17gs and at that rate it takes like half a state to...
  12. Rocinante

    No longer in the shadows, Pentagon’s UFO unit will make some findings public

    True. I think human tech is probably the answer here. Still not ruling out aliens lol
  13. Rocinante

    No longer in the shadows, Pentagon’s UFO unit will make some findings public

    That doesn't make a lot of sense because they have been spotted during live air drills and'd think they'd be smart enough to organize their super secret tests to be not when and where the air force/navy is running exercises. This is why I suspect a foreign power spying.
  14. Rocinante

    No longer in the shadows, Pentagon’s UFO unit will make some findings public

    I updated my post with some cool stories after you quoted Me, if you're interested in my own sightings
  15. Rocinante

    No longer in the shadows, Pentagon’s UFO unit will make some findings public

    We need better writers lol I've had two sightings myself as a kid. One was a formation of three lights, bright enough to shine through my windows and partially illuminate my bedroom, flying through the night sky, slowly, in formation, completely silent. The other was like kinda grenade shaped...
  16. Rocinante

    No longer in the shadows, Pentagon’s UFO unit will make some findings public

    Jokes aside, these are real and they don't appear to be random phenomenon. They are air/space/watercraft. So discounting aliens (though as reality gets weirder and weirder I really am not ruling out aliens) that leaves extremely high tech humans. The most likely answer is some country has...
  17. Rocinante

    No longer in the shadows, Pentagon’s UFO unit will make some findings public

    The triangle formation the was recently released was pretty fascinating. And I heard somewhere rumors that is hasn't been leaked yet, but the pentagon has a VERY detailed photo of a UFO that a pilot took that is supposedly mind blowing. Still not saying it's aliens. (But it's aliens)
  18. Rocinante

    No longer in the shadows, Pentagon’s UFO unit will make some findings public

    The issue with the videos recently released, is that the way they are moving and flying defies physics as it applies to our known technology. If they are another government's tests, they are working with completely mysterious and unkown technology that's so advanced that it's almost as...