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  1. S'task

    Breaking News January 6th Stop the Steal Rally & Capitol Breaching/Storming

    . . . Which means their efforts to purge Conservatives is working. Prior to the Obama administration, the military was not seen as "heavily moderate", and as recently as 2012, the officer corps trended 2:1 Republican to Democrat and heavily favored Romney over Obama in that election. The fact...
  2. S'task

    Breaking News January 6th Stop the Steal Rally & Capitol Breaching/Storming

    Not really? Homeschooling going from illegal in every state to legal in every state is a massive victory that happened everywhere, not just in conservative strongholds, and it should be noted that strong truancy laws were not really an "old" idea, that was part of the progressive schooling...
  3. S'task

    Breaking News January 6th Stop the Steal Rally & Capitol Breaching/Storming

    . . . In 1970 Homeschooling was ILLEGAL across the entire US under truancy laws. Here in 2023 Homeschooling is legal across the entire US with the only restrictions being in some state that require annual testing reports. In 1970 "Originalism" and "Textualism" were basically the laughingstock...
  4. S'task

    Breaking News January 6th Stop the Steal Rally & Capitol Breaching/Storming

    That's because the Parliamentary systems don't have the tri-lateral set up the US has, rather they have a bilateral one. Functionally, as anyone who's taken US Civics knows, the US Federal government is divided into three main branches each branch effectively outlined in Articles 1 to 3 of the...
  5. S'task

    Breaking News January 6th Stop the Steal Rally & Capitol Breaching/Storming

    Heck, there was basically a movement to crown George Washington King too. Had Washington been a lesser man than we would be talking about the House of Washington as the first Royal House of the Kingdom of these United States. It obviously would have ended up a constitutional monarchy similar...
  6. S'task

    Breaking News January 6th Stop the Steal Rally & Capitol Breaching/Storming

    No, it was conservative in the very most basic sense of the term in politics. The American Revolution initially just wanted to conserve the political status quo prior to the French and Indian War, IE, benign neglect where the colonies did their own thing for the most part and England left them...
  7. S'task

    Breaking News January 6th Stop the Steal Rally & Capitol Breaching/Storming

    It is strongly arguably that the American Revolution itself was a conservative revolution, given that it was spurred on by the local governments in the colonies seeking to maintain the prior status quo and it was the British Parliament making radical changes. This makes it one of the few...
  8. S'task

    Breaking News January 6th Stop the Steal Rally & Capitol Breaching/Storming

    I have no idea who you're talking about. No seriously, I've got no idea who Richard Hannania is nor do I read his blog. This is just my own analysis based on my own observations and reading.
  9. S'task

    Breaking News January 6th Stop the Steal Rally & Capitol Breaching/Storming

    The Right Wing Populist movement as it stands now will not win. While I understand the sympathize with their distaste for the older Conservative movement and more Establishment Republicans they have a tendencies to paint with overbroad brushes that make it impossible for them to build alliances...
  10. S'task

    Breaking News January 6th Stop the Steal Rally & Capitol Breaching/Storming

    Yes.... ish. The American Civil War was a conflict between two establishments: the Plantation Barons of the South vs the New Industrialists of the North. In that conflict the Middle Class, who tends to decide these conflicts in America, broke heavily for the New Industrialists. Which...
  11. S'task

    Breaking News January 6th Stop the Steal Rally & Capitol Breaching/Storming

    These are Federal charges in Federal courts, the "local electorate" has absolutely jack shit to do with their careers. The jury pool is an issue, I'll grant, but mistrial for withholding evidence doesn't require a jury verdict, only a judge's decision. If the Republicans had balls, any judge...
  12. S'task

    Breaking News January 6th Stop the Steal Rally & Capitol Breaching/Storming

    Dude, the GOPe has been against the Jan6 commission the entire time. They literally hung the two "Republicans" who sat on it at Pelosi's request out to dry, completely standing aside to let them hang for their participation in it. Pelosi completely screwed up in even getting GOPe support with...
  13. S'task

    Breaking News January 6th Stop the Steal Rally & Capitol Breaching/Storming

    That's what the US Marshalls were original for, and would be again. They dealt with crime outside of States in US Territories as well as crimes that crossed state lines. The thing was, they were never meant as a counter-intel agency and tended to be very by the books and unwilling to go into...
  14. S'task

    Breaking News January 6th Stop the Steal Rally & Capitol Breaching/Storming

    Potentially yes. For violation of Civil Rights. Though it will depend on how the Judge dismisses the cases.
  15. S'task

    Breaking News January 6th Stop the Steal Rally & Capitol Breaching/Storming

    No, we didn't. Total War in Korea would have involved bombing not just North Korea, but all of mainland China once they got involved, probably until they glowed, as well as making bombing runs and an invasion of the Soviet Union, who were suppling the North Koreans with weapons, planes, and...
  16. S'task

    Breaking News January 6th Stop the Steal Rally & Capitol Breaching/Storming

    I have my doubts on that. One thing you have to understand is that Boomers and GenXers were very much brought up with the massive success of the post-WW2 nation building front and center. Remember, West Germany and Japan went from bombed out broken countries at the end of WW2 to first world...
  17. S'task

    Breaking News January 6th Stop the Steal Rally & Capitol Breaching/Storming

    That's what they're pushing the right in the US to... the way this entire thing has been handled is only telling the next group of right wingers that they may as well go for broke, because by being even milder than the mildest left wing protestors... they're still getting treated worse than them.
  18. S'task

    Breaking News January 6th Stop the Steal Rally & Capitol Breaching/Storming

    The issues surrounding Snowden are complicated because, here's the thing, both sides have very legitimate points. Snowden did reveal troubling aspects of the US government's actions that arguably are in violation of the US Constitution. Snow ALSO revealed things that were completely...
  19. S'task

    Breaking News January 6th Stop the Steal Rally & Capitol Breaching/Storming

    . . . The Left has been on a warpath against Due Process since the Obama administration at least, they're just spreading it out now from rape accusations to political beliefs.
  20. S'task

    Breaking News January 6th Stop the Steal Rally & Capitol Breaching/Storming

    This one runs into the core problem that it's going to remind many on the Right of the issues of being the "world police", the US isn't responsible for that plastic garbage, why should we spend the money and effort to clean it up? From a Conservative perspective, if the US ends up footing the...