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    Is Taiwan getting invaded worth world war 3

    Truly I am the very depiction of god's perfection. 😃😉
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    Is Taiwan getting invaded worth world war 3

    As hominem much? Shifting goalposts? Anyways, the Chinese budget is $196 billion and according to when I was in China for RAND, around 90% to 95% of their budget was being used properly with the rest being funneled unsuccessful. The IMF and World Bank groups supported the assertion of the CSIS...
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    Is Taiwan getting invaded worth world war 3

    Which the pentagon is known for.....not. The pentagon is known for being one of the worst managers of the budgets given to them. 2019 saw $40 billion or so unused or poorly invested. 2020 data is probably going to be released by July this year.
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    Is Taiwan getting invaded worth world war 3

    ah, but the things that dollars buy and maintain do shoot don't they? A powerful military is not feasible without the cash to back it up and maintain it.
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    Is Taiwan getting invaded worth world war 3

    As a guy who works in RAND, it is estimated through wargames, and research with multiple think tanks, America won't be able to Challenge China in the Yellow Sea, East China Sea and South China Sea by 2023, meaning the eastern Pacific in general. Overall, the US defense budget needs a yearly...
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    Is Taiwan getting invaded worth world war 3

    no they don't. The recognition of the PRC in the 1970s had formal papers from the US, Korea, Japan, etc wherein they recognized the PRC's claim and role over Taiwan. Informal relations? Sure. Formally and on paper and in the UN, the US, South Korea and Japan recognize Taiwan as Chinese soil.
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    Is Taiwan getting invaded worth world war 3

    yeah that too
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    Is Taiwan getting invaded worth world war 3

    to add on to this, technically, Taiwan is a province in rebellion, like the CSA was, and China has the right on paper to invade and restore governmental authority anytime.