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  1. Sailor.X

    Why Did You Choose To Register & Enter This Thread?

    To do so the Republican Party needs to keep the Country Club/ Chamber of Commerce types out of the party power structure. Those were the ones responsible for the 50 years of weakness.
  2. Sailor.X

    Why Did You Choose To Register & Enter This Thread?

    SB no longer has any Soul. Back in the day 20 years ago SB was a really fun place to be. You could post edgy Jokes. No one was a prude. No one got hyper offended by a different point of view. And Stuff they call Chan Behavior (Which is not chan behavior at all) was not frowned upon. Now look at...
  3. Sailor.X

    Why Did You Choose To Register & Enter This Thread?

    I was glad for the PM. For a time I was beginning to think Time had passed me by. The things I was taught growing up and learned in the US Navy were now being seen as antiquated and backwards. Then I saw in the PM that more people thought like me on SB So I mostly hung out there. And my Star...
  4. Sailor.X

    Why Did You Choose To Register & Enter This Thread?

    Dude we have actual admitted members of Antifa on SB. That is beyond just being angry. That is less terrorize people we don't like in RL.
  5. Sailor.X

    Why Did You Choose To Register & Enter This Thread?

    The creature created by Lord Squishy comes to mind.
  6. Sailor.X

    Why Did You Choose To Register & Enter This Thread?

    And if you are a person of color who dares to disagree with their world view. You become........ Satan.
  7. Sailor.X

    Why Did You Choose To Register & Enter This Thread?

    Obligatory. :LOL:
  8. Sailor.X

    Why Did You Choose To Register & Enter This Thread?

    To get away from the SJW run shit show that is SB. That place has pretty much turned into a leftist cult with only a handful of threads remaining sane. Hey if they can label me a Sig Hailing Nazi for just like Trump they will label you a conservative.:LOL: