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  1. Scottty

    History What are some of your most contraversial takes on history?

    Stage in Mexico, and drive your army north in delivery trucks. The border's wide open there. /s
  2. Scottty

    History What are some of your most contraversial takes on history?

    Well, for most of those previous centuries, "Germany" was a loose collection of small kingdoms and principalities, nominally all part of one empire, but in practice each doing their own thing. It would have made some difference whether you were fighting against Bavaria or Prussia. Napoleon...
  3. Scottty

    History What are some of your most contraversial takes on history?

    IIRC, the Nazis only officially decided to mass-murder all the Jews in 1942 or so. Before that, it was just making them work, with a poorly thought-out end goal of maybe being able to deport them all to somewhere after the war was over. Now I'm imagining some Western hippie looking at this...
  4. Scottty

    History What are some of your most contraversial takes on history?

    No, it did not. Please stop making statements based on ignorance. For your information, the "one drop rule" is an American thing. In South Africa, it was perfectly possible to be classified as White, despite having non-zero Black or Coloured ancestry. Especially if you were so "blonde and blue...
  5. Scottty

    History What are some of your most contraversial takes on history?

    Here in South Africa, there are now many times more black people than there were back in 1910 - their numbers doubled again and again over the 20th century. But this doesn't stop the anti-white Left from calling the Afrikaner nationalist government's racial segregation polices a "genocide"...
  6. Scottty

    History What are some of your most contraversial takes on history?

    Something I read somewhere many years ago... literally in a previous century. I couldn't dig up the specific source now. But let me see if something can be googled up... OK, this one seems to make the relation the other way around...
  7. Scottty

    History What are some of your most contraversial takes on history?

    Stop claiming things like that unless you can prove it. Which "Protestants" are you talking about? The Puritans? The Baptists? The Mennonites? Because I think you are blowing bubbles here. The sea level was lower at once stage, and Tasmania therefore accessible by land. Once isolated, yes...
  8. Scottty

    History What are some of your most contraversial takes on history?

    I'm happy to see that you still feel some duty to shoot down the bad-faith arguments for the benefit of the rest of us. :)
  9. Scottty

    History What are some of your most contraversial takes on history?

    A bad situation, no doubt. But what does it have to do with the question of whether fiat currency is sustainable?
  10. Scottty

    History What are some of your most contraversial takes on history?

    And then there's gold in them thar asteroids...
  11. Scottty

    History What are some of your most contraversial takes on history?

    What I'm hearing from one side of this seems to boil down to: "I want to keep buying stuff despite not having an income to match my expenditure, so I'm going make everyone accept payment in funny-money that I can print more of anytime I want." With a side-order of: "That guy had stuff I wanted...
  12. Scottty

    History What are some of your most contraversial takes on history?

    That sounds as if gold is being undervalued. If it's that rare, what you can get in exchange for an amount of it should be much more.
  13. Scottty

    History What are some of your most contraversial takes on history?

    Won't work when your "the government" wants to do business with people it has no power over - such as the governments of other nations.
  14. Scottty

    History What are some of your most contraversial takes on history?

    I made that point to him already, but it didn't go in. But for the sake of repetition: it's not about it being arbitrary what we use as currency. We could use wolf skulls as a means of exchange - but we'd have to have real ones. If they started printing pictures of wolf skulls and pretending...
  15. Scottty

    History What are some of your most contraversial takes on history?

    They did it that way on purpose. It wasn't that they didn't know that everyone else valued gold. Gold bars would be pretty heavy too.
  16. Scottty

    History What are some of your most contraversial takes on history?

    Spanish immigrant to the New World: "Honest, senor, we weren't wronging them by taking all the gold, as they did not value it anyway!"
  17. Scottty

    History What are some of your most contraversial takes on history?

    Uh no. Not in the same sense as the term is normally used. Pieces of paper printed with symbols that have value only because some government says so, are what we mean by "fiat" - the government just says "let there be another 10 billion" and money-printer go brrr. But a government cannot just...
  18. Scottty

    History What are some of your most contraversial takes on history?

    @Abhorsen @Doomsought we're established that you are, in fact, meaning different things by the same word. Next thing someone is going to open the question as to what does or doesn't count as money. The English nobility deposed king John for good reason.
  19. Scottty

    History What are some of your most contraversial takes on history?

    Oh hey, a building you can use for whatever you want? Just don't be like the guy in the XKCD cartoon. Anyway, I think people here might be at cross-purposes about some of the basic concepts. Such as: what is wealth? And is wealth an end in itself, or a means to some other end?