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  1. Senor Hortler

    MGTOW Opinion

    A) Because they are ignorant of history. I knew a woman from Poland who was very 'meh' on the Nazis and did say that she would have been fine because she was blonde with blue eyes. I mean the Nazi's didn't genocide polish women with blonde hair and blue eyes but they pretty much put through...
  2. Senor Hortler

    MGTOW Opinion

    Nah, history misinterpreted homoerotic tension as hatred.
  3. Senor Hortler

    MGTOW Opinion

    /pol/ and Stormfront seem to hate their own users. The internet Neo Nazi movement seems to be the most ethnically diverse globally connected white nationalist anti globalist movement I've ever seen. I've seen Black Nazi's, Japanese Nazi's, Brazillian Nazis, Argentinian Nazi's (though they might...
  4. Senor Hortler

    MGTOW Opinion

    That's an abusive relationship; and going 'monk' is a very extreme solution to that. At the very least we need society to get a better understanding of female-male abuse and honestly abuse in general. We have a very firmly entrenched view of abusive relationships as always being one sided and...
  5. Senor Hortler

    MGTOW Opinion

    There are a fuck load of lefty jews in Academia that espouse utterly civilization destroying shit while doing the boomercon thing of 'muh Israel' and acting like complete hypocrites. It's not 'The Jews', but there are Jews in academia, in business and in film that essentially act as...
  6. Senor Hortler

    MGTOW Opinion

    I like the idea of MGTOW and going monk, but I really like women and like romance, far too much to consider it.