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  1. S

    Adorable animals thread - Actual

    It's the rhino that has "dimetrodon spines", and that's actually because a rhino's skeleton does indeed have an actual 'sail' of extended vertebral spines just like a Dimetrodon or Spinosaurus does. It's just in the actual animal, this sail is almost entirely hidden by fat and muscle so it just...
  2. S

    Adorable animals thread - Actual

    To be fair, the sort of high fidelity predictive modeling of muscle estimates from the underlying bone attachment points that is used to generate the best visions of dinosaurs that current science can produce are *incredibly* sophisticated. The limitations of previous renderings are *not* a...
  3. S

    Adorable animals thread - Actual

    That's not necessary. Carefully managed breeding alone can restore a surprising amount of genetic robustness; it used to be taught that genetic diversity below 100 breeding pairs was the point of absolute unrecoverability, but the California Condor was brought back from just 27 individuals total.