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    Amazon Prime Amazon (or Scamazon?) News: "Work Hard. Have Fun. Make History."

    *shrugs* While it's sort of her signature look from the video games, it is pretty unrealistic for someone to have *that much* body fat while being super super athletic. Look at Olympic athletes for comparison, they're not all A cup, but anyone on that level of exercise is going to be 1-2 cup...
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    Amazon Prime Amazon (or Scamazon?) News: "Work Hard. Have Fun. Make History."

    That's a *very* steep challenge, though. The U.S. truck market is utterly dominated by Ford and Chevy's designs, partly because they're *very good* and party because market segment features a downright absurd level of brand loyalty -- in many cases it's even *inherited, multi-generational*...
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    Amazon Prime Amazon (or Scamazon?) News: "Work Hard. Have Fun. Make History."

    The main law in play there is that single-brand retail stores cannot have more than 51% foreign direct investment unless at least 30% of goods are locally sourced, and multi-brand retail stores cannot have more than 51% FDI. The previous law was that multi-brand retail could not have *any*...
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    Amazon Prime Amazon (or Scamazon?) News: "Work Hard. Have Fun. Make History."

    True, but as the article itself notes, this may have been mostly because the Trump Administration was not doing any centralized federal distribution of vaccines, whereas the Biden Administration appears to intend to do so. And it was confirmed that Amazon did communicate with the CDC and with...