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  1. S

    What If? Star Trek Federation is transported into the 40k galaxy

    The prefix code system is the equivalent of Remote Desktop access, not tactical networking. They're not the same capability and having one does not prove the other. Moreover, I would argue that given the inherent total insecurity of a fixed five digit code, the fact that the Borg can't...
  2. S

    What If? Star Trek Federation is transported into the 40k galaxy

    Sigh. And now you're reflexively defending the Federation to the point of mixing up two different points of discussion. The Romulans possibly having a capability which the Federation explicitly doesn't was talking about independent warp torpedoes versus warp sustainer only torpedoes, and had...
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    What If? Star Trek Federation is transported into the 40k galaxy

    That's completely missing the point -- the Romulans *may* have such a capability if the episode isn't written off as an early inconsistency, but the Federation quite explicitly does not.
  4. S

    What If? Star Trek Federation is transported into the 40k galaxy

    It is mentioned by Picard himself in "Star Trek: Picard" that the Picard Maneuver is completely useless against a large fleet. The reason is not explicitly stated, but appears self-evident -- a large fleet can simply fire at both locations at once instead of having to pick one. Unfortunately...
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    What If? Star Trek Federation is transported into the 40k galaxy

    1. Despite their vaunted sensors, the Federation ships were completely unable to detect the vulnerable point in question. Picard had to order them to manually target this coordinate based on tapping the Borg Cube's own systems using his remaining implants, and even then Data immediately...
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    What If? Star Trek Federation is transported into the 40k galaxy

    That's my point, yeah. My position is that Trek shields would likely duplicate the mundane "navigational shield" functions of a Gellar Field, but not its more esoteric anti-Warp-fuckery aspects. "Assumption of convenience" as in, "There's not much of a debate to be had if every single Trek...
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    What If? Star Trek Federation is transported into the 40k galaxy

    Trek impulse drives don't really produce the tactical flexiblity you're thinking of; that's all in the warp drives, and that's with the plot-convenient assumption that their 'regular' shields give them free Gellar fields. (I should point out that even with Gellar fields, travel through the...
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    What If? Star Trek Federation is transported into the 40k galaxy

    Moreover, something that the official tech materials explicitly show Federation torpedoes can’t do; they have warp sustainers and not full warp drives.
  9. S

    What If? Star Trek Federation is transported into the 40k galaxy

    Let's not even get into, "Star Trek does not have Gellar Fields or any comparable defense against Warp entities, because those threats don't exist in their home universe." There are elements of Chaos corruption that are literally memetic cognitohazards. This is why the Inquisition often...
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    What If? Star Trek Federation is transported into the 40k galaxy

    "True" warp strafing only exists on the old Starfleet Battles video games, which were *explicitly* a separate continuity. No other Trek content *ever* demonstrated any capability to fire on non-warp targets from warp. Photon (and presumably quantum) torpedoes can be fired while at warp, but they...
  11. S

    What If? Star Trek Federation is transported into the 40k galaxy

    The Death Star *had* a specific weakness engineered into it. The assertion that all ships must magically have *some* weak spot that Federation sensors can magically find is absurd and without any basis in either canon or realism.
  12. S

    What If? Star Trek Federation is transported into the 40k galaxy

    Sometimes they are. Most of the time, however, they only do large, swooping turns and consider these to be effective evasion maneuvers; then again, this is a universe where a completely non-maneuvering derelict Voyager probe drifting through deep space is described as a "most difficult" target...
  13. S

    What If? Star Trek Federation is transported into the 40k galaxy

    My point exactly. The Federation is a vastly more pleasant place to live than 40K, but the 40K setting *partially* justifies the Imperium’s otherwise ludicrously evil behavior with threats like Chaos infestation.
  14. S

    What If? Star Trek Federation is transported into the 40k galaxy

    Picard *outright told the Cardassians* that he knew full well Maxwell was telling the truth all along, but had chosen to preserve the peace talks by refusing to look at the factual evidence and pretending it didn’t exist. He tried to say he’d hold that over their heads as a deterrent against...
  15. S

    What If? Star Trek Federation is transported into the 40k galaxy

    I think the fundamental problem is that the Federation fundamentally lacks the will to protect its people. We've seen how the Federation handles serious threats -- diplomacy, appeasement, surrender. More to the point, the Federation's "very best" captain actively colluded with the enemy to the...