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  1. Shipmaster Sane

    Racism and Wu

    Racism isn't making fun of someone's race, it's treating them meaningfully worse than you would someone of a different race, on the basis of their race and not their behavior. All the slurs in the world don't make you racist until you start hurting one group specifically because of their race...
  2. Shipmaster Sane

    Racism and Wu

    Leftist thinks that everyone who disagrees with them should be lobotomized, shocking. Presumably pre-lobotomy you'd be hoping to keep all the political dissidents in some kind of camp, say, to concentrate the problem in one area, comrade? Pimozide does. "I'm not sawing parts of my body off...
  3. Shipmaster Sane

    Racism and Wu

    Trans people are mentally ill and can be treated effectively with an anti-psychotic.