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  1. Simonbob

    Tucker Carlson Leaving Fox News

    Thus, the pendulum. Humans need flex. We need things to be in a certain degree of balance. However, slavery? We have that right now. It's not widely accepted, but it's out there. Sweatshops, sexual, likely some remote farms, God knows where else. And, for a great deal of history? Slavery was...
  2. Simonbob

    Tucker Carlson Leaving Fox News

    Some interesting ideas. He can see the pendulum in Liberal ideas. I'm not sure he sees it the same way I do, but he can see how one idea led to the next, and how the extreme edge always pulled further down the indivdualist path. Liberty from slavery became liberty from tyranny, became...
  3. Simonbob

    Tucker Carlson Leaving Fox News

    No. Vyor was saying it takes money to make the US Gov back off, and I was agreeing. While calling them scum. Paying annoying bastards to go away sometimes works, after all. That's what ransomware's all about.
  4. Simonbob

    Tucker Carlson Leaving Fox News

    I don't like govenment. So, paying scum to go away.
  5. Simonbob

    Tucker Carlson Leaving Fox News

    Well, yes. You always do have to pay scum to go away.
  6. Simonbob

    Tucker Carlson Leaving Fox News

    I've said my peice.
  7. Simonbob

    Tucker Carlson Leaving Fox News

    My opinion in a nutshell. "We must fight and destroy this guy!" The guy..... I sideye. "You sure?"
  8. Simonbob

    Tucker Carlson Leaving Fox News

    Dude. The US is in how many warzones? Right now? Don't give me that crap. The US is throwing away it's strength on a heap of battlefields, in places all over the globe. Everybody knows the US will pick fights. I just want you, the general you, to stop picking fights against those who...
  9. Simonbob

    Tucker Carlson Leaving Fox News

    I'm not. I'm, as far as I can tell, speaking in the US's interests. You speak of Russia as in Imperial power. That's missing a point, Russia isn't strong enough to be a meaningful one. The idea that as a nation conquers, they get more powerful, it's mostly bullshit. The things that make an...
  10. Simonbob

    Tucker Carlson Leaving Fox News

    Why would I? I'm not for either side. I just think if you wanted to be the Global Cop, you wouldn't be screwing one side or the other, you'd be trying to set up a peace agreement, and enforcing it. (And if the US got some benifits for it, that'd be OK.) What the US is doing right now isn't...
  11. Simonbob

    Tucker Carlson Leaving Fox News

    ....... Seriously? OK, let's do this. Did you know that there was trade with Australia, from both of them? There are both Russians and Ukrainians in Australia, too. What the US does there affects Australia. Thus? When you destroy multiple nations, others are affected. Next point...
  12. Simonbob

    Tucker Carlson Leaving Fox News

    Only if you think Russia's an actual threat. And I don't.
  13. Simonbob

    Tucker Carlson Leaving Fox News

    Thanks for admitting it.
  14. Simonbob

    Tucker Carlson Leaving Fox News

    Now that I think about it, the biggest point? Putin thinks the US is run by the intel agencies. It doesn't matter who's elected, who's the face. They aren't real, in terms of power. As far as Putin's concerned, there's no point in talking to anybody outside the CIA/NSA or the like, because...
  15. Simonbob

    Tucker Carlson Leaving Fox News

    Very interesting interview. Very interesting. Sure, it was pretty soft. Putin got most of what he wanted, if not all. Still, interesting. Personally, I liked the history lesson. Eh, I like those kind of things. I'm not going to bother arguing about the Ukraine/Russia war. Everybody's...
  16. Simonbob

    Tucker Carlson Leaving Fox News

    I'm not so sure. If Russia stops, will will Ukraine? Not automatically. With massive US money coming in, on the condition that they die for your desires, I don't think they will. Unless the Ukraine is willing to stop, and Russia as well, the war will not stop. As you have said in this thread...
  17. Simonbob

    Tucker Carlson Leaving Fox News

    Nah, they don't. If Ukraine won't stop, they war keeps on. It takes 2 to stop.
  18. Simonbob

    Tucker Carlson Leaving Fox News

    That, I disagree with. Extending a war kills more people, on both sides. Where did the money come from? Ukraine doesn't have any spare, and didn't have much beforehand. Honestly, will Ukraine have even close to the money required? Are they going to be re-paying for centuries?
  19. Simonbob

    Tucker Carlson Leaving Fox News

    Well, as long as you're honest about it. I won't be afraid of you though! Your power means nothing to me! If you were in Australia it might worry me a little more, I'll admit.
  20. Simonbob

    Tucker Carlson Leaving Fox News

    Now that I'm thinking about it, It's entirely possible that @Free-Stater 101 really is a Fed, who's working for a DMV. It does prove he's not that great a person, anybody who works for a organisation like that isn't, but I can't hate him for being weak.