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  1. Simonbob

    The Austronesian Viewpoint: TheRomanSlayer's Thread for Musings

    Only through people, can we change things. For only people care.
  2. Simonbob

    The Austronesian Viewpoint: TheRomanSlayer's Thread for Musings

    I don't see you as an enemy. I see you as somebody who's so hurt by past events that you're looking to "fix" being human. I see somebody who's personal life leaves them angry enough to blame stuff that could only be partly the real problem. I see somebody who would break the world, in the...
  3. Simonbob

    The Austronesian Viewpoint: TheRomanSlayer's Thread for Musings

    Until we can alter our instincts? No, you'll just get hordes of broken people. Then, push for tariffs, not taxes. Tariffs are put on imports, and if there's no, or few, taxes, that makes it better to make inside and ship out. That, alone, will massively change things for the Philippines.
  4. Simonbob

    The Austronesian Viewpoint: TheRomanSlayer's Thread for Musings

    There are parts of all your ideas I dislike, and think go too far, but this is mostly very good. I do suggest thinking, at least in part, that if you want to stand on your own two feet, you need almost everything produced inside, not traded for. I will point out, a linked point from an earlier...
  5. Simonbob

    The Austronesian Viewpoint: TheRomanSlayer's Thread for Musings

    Then you have a bigger problem than you think. Right now, you have a roof that you hate. But, before you tear it down, you'd better make sure you have something better waiting. It does no good to remove your protections, without having better waiting. I suggest you build first. If it's...
  6. Simonbob

    The Austronesian Viewpoint: TheRomanSlayer's Thread for Musings

    Rant away. I'll disagree with some of it, but you certainly have interesting ideas. I like that.
  7. Simonbob

    The Austronesian Viewpoint: TheRomanSlayer's Thread for Musings

    Meh. Would a rose, by any other name, be so sweet?
  8. Simonbob

    The Austronesian Viewpoint: TheRomanSlayer's Thread for Musings

    Look at Africa. Look back at Poland. Are you really sure you want to go that way?
  9. Simonbob

    The Austronesian Viewpoint: TheRomanSlayer's Thread for Musings

    Sorry to tell you this, but there are actual variation of IQ variation on average in racial groups. Black does change the averages for IQ. Down, if you're wondering. Most folk really, really don't want to know that. Still true.
  10. Simonbob

    The Austronesian Viewpoint: TheRomanSlayer's Thread for Musings

    That's true, although a LOT of people really don't want to admit it. It's one of our bigger problems.
  11. Simonbob

    The Austronesian Viewpoint: TheRomanSlayer's Thread for Musings

    That happens to most of us. Australian here. Why, I wonder, did so many of us die in WW1? Why were we even in WW2? Vietnam? Iraq? There's a long list of things that we do to prove we're minions. I'm not fond of most of them.
  12. Simonbob

    The Austronesian Viewpoint: TheRomanSlayer's Thread for Musings

    We'll see. I certainly don't see things the same ways as the average. Comes from accepting what's real, like it or not.
  13. Simonbob

    The Austronesian Viewpoint: TheRomanSlayer's Thread for Musings

    Good. The current situation isn't sustainable.
  14. Simonbob

    The Austronesian Viewpoint: TheRomanSlayer's Thread for Musings

    You'll have issues with me, same as I'll have issues with you. We're only human. Still, good conversation can help us learn. As for divorce, almost all places have some. The question is, how easy is it, and how much do people value their oath to family? In faithful societies, there's an...
  15. Simonbob

    The Austronesian Viewpoint: TheRomanSlayer's Thread for Musings

    Impressive. I hope it earned some respect from the Spanish. The moment it talked about "Post Truth" I stopped reading. Reality is. There cannot be a "Post Truth". Perhaps it has something worthwhile to say, but I doubt it. In a very real sense, a lot of current Japan is the result of a mix...
  16. Simonbob

    The Austronesian Viewpoint: TheRomanSlayer's Thread for Musings

    I'm no expert on that. I do know that the current Catholic Church is finding bishops in both Africa and South America have been telling the Vatican they're not going to agree on a bunch of things. It's not nearly as monolithic as it seems. How many whites are there in the Philippines, I...
  17. Simonbob

    The Austronesian Viewpoint: TheRomanSlayer's Thread for Musings

    Ok. Sometimes interesting stuff, but overall, something of a mixed bag. Infuence battles to keep/gain power is something that should be looked at on an event-to-event basis. After all, some are positive for both sides, and some aren't. Your personal interest. Let me ask you a question...
  18. Simonbob

    The Austronesian Viewpoint: TheRomanSlayer's Thread for Musings

    Would you elaborate what you mean? In that.... Should they? I mean, they can trade with them, and talk to them now. Should they go further, and if so, how? Why?