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  1. Spartan303

    Crossover The Greater Game (Babylon 5/BattleTech)

    Yep. Quite the snub.
  2. Spartan303

    Crossover The Greater Game (Babylon 5/BattleTech)
    Threadmarks: Map

    The Light blue area near the FedSuns is where the EA is. And they're growing.
  3. Spartan303

    Crossover The Greater Game (Babylon 5/BattleTech)
    Threadmarks: Chapter 24

    Chapter 24. This is the Interstellar Network News, broadcasting live from Geneva, across the Earth Alliance and to our affiliates across the Inner Sphere. Your headlines for today, March the twenty first 2253, or 3012 by the local calendar. "Good evening, I'm Jane Egan, with tonight's top...
  4. Spartan303

    Crossover The Greater Game (Babylon 5/BattleTech)
    Threadmarks: Interlude

    A very long way away It had taken years for local hyperspace to clear, years for the storms to subside, the barriers to fade, the old routes to stabilise. Even then with the environment restored, the scouts had to lay fresh beacons from Proxima to the location of Earth. Or, at least, where it...
  5. Spartan303

    Crossover The Greater Game (Babylon 5/BattleTech)
    Threadmarks: Chapter 23

    23 Earth Alliance Diplomatic Transport Earth Force One. Hanse Davion was having a great time. After a few months waving at crowds and being the face of the Sian Raid, at least as far as the Federated Suns were concerned, he was finally able to have some private time to enjoy himself in his own...
  6. Spartan303

    Crossover The Greater Game (Babylon 5/BattleTech)
    Threadmarks: Chapter 22

    New Aragon A few Weeks Later It seemed like every soldier on the planet was there to welcome them back. The base was packed like a cup final, a sea of humanity all clamouring for a look at the conquering heroes. One by one, the dropships landed at their designated pads, several showing scars of...
  7. Spartan303

    Crossover The Greater Game (Babylon 5/BattleTech)

    No, Just the Capellans.:p
  8. Spartan303

    Crossover The Greater Game (Babylon 5/BattleTech)
    Threadmarks: 21D

    "Red Lancers, Prefectorate Guard, withdraw to my position," Judith Albamerle ordered curtly, her voice strained and still incredibly tense. "Reform for a counter attack. Water tankers and cooling teams, move forward and do your duty." Romana pursed her lips in anger. Their attack had faltered...
  9. Spartan303

    Crossover The Greater Game (Babylon 5/BattleTech)
    Threadmarks: 21C

    21C 17:24 hours Celestial palace Sian “Pack those files! Just shove them in a bag!” Colonel Dubrov worked as fast as he could, frantically emptying cabinets full of documents and stuffing them into whatever was at hand, clawing open drawer after drawer as fast as his hands could manage. One of...
  10. Spartan303

    Crossover The Greater Game (Babylon 5/BattleTech)

    Or she becomes obsessed with him. Didnt she have naughty dreams about him at some point?
  11. Spartan303

    Crossover The Greater Game (Babylon 5/BattleTech)
    Threadmarks: Chapter 21Part 2

    21B The Forbidden City Sian 17:07 "We estimate enemy forces will land within ten minutes, fighters could be overhead at any second." Maximilian Liao acknowledged the report with a brief tip of his head, not stopping or breaking pace as he marched from his palace to a secure underground...
  12. Spartan303

    Crossover The Greater Game (Babylon 5/BattleTech)
    Threadmarks: Chapter 21 Part 1

    EAS Agamemnon Three Lightyears from Sian "It's weak, but it's definitely a tachyon signal. That means it has to be one of ours," General Hague spoke from the Alexander, one of four faces split across the main communication screen. "My guess is it's the locator beacon on the Diplomatic...
  13. Spartan303

    Crossover The Greater Game (Babylon 5/BattleTech)

    No debris.
  14. Spartan303

    Crossover The Greater Game (Babylon 5/BattleTech)

    I think they know they're bigger. But are also considering the bigger implications of why would the EA need them.
  15. Spartan303

    Crossover The Greater Game (Babylon 5/BattleTech)
    Threadmarks: Chapter 20

    20 New Aragon A few weeks later "Nothing about this is going to be subtle." Jaime Wolf ran down the formation list for the tenth time, scrolling down the chunky data pad and putting a face to every name on it. "We're dropping two regiments, six full mech battalions, right down in the middle of...
  16. Spartan303

    Crossover The Greater Game (Babylon 5/BattleTech)

    The Ares conventions are a joke. I get what Katrina is trying to do but its not going to work. And I don't mean hem in the EA. I know she wants a true end to the pointless wars that have plagued the Inner Sphere for generations. There is no way the EA is going to sign it. But...they might just...
  17. Spartan303

    Crossover The Greater Game (Babylon 5/BattleTech)
    Threadmarks: Chapter 19

    Geneva, Earth Capital of the Earth Alliance. Elizabeth Levy had forgotten what it had been like to be woken at the small hours, a grim faced aide informing her of some disaster or crisis. There had been a time when it seemed to happen on a daily basis, a fleet lost, an outpost destroyed...
  18. Spartan303

    Crossover The Greater Game (Babylon 5/BattleTech)
    Threadmarks: Chapter18

    Sian Capital World of the Capellan Confederation October 3008 "This one is going to be the challenge." David Sheridan bounced in his seat as the shuttle rocked through the sky. "Everything we've been told about House Liao is that they are schemers, ruthless and merciless. As cruel as Kurita...
  19. Spartan303

    Crossover The Greater Game (Babylon 5/BattleTech)

    Plasma Mortar I believe.
  20. Spartan303

    Crossover The Greater Game (Babylon 5/BattleTech)

    Deploying that level of force is definitely going to get some eyebrows raised in concern. And a hint of fear.