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  1. Terthna

    Conservative vs Libertarian... Round One... DEBATE!

    So you concede that's only an answer, and not the answer? And I agree with you, on both counts. The Trolley Problem is simplistic, as is Libertarianism as a philosophy. In fact, I've previously compared Libertarianism to Communism; as they both seem to ignore reality in favor of some idealize...
  2. Terthna

    Conservative vs Libertarian... Round One... DEBATE!

    I agree actually, but I think it's a problem that, in my opinion, has no objectively correct solution; different people will decide different on what is the right thing to do in that situation, even if they otherwise share a moral framework. No, I'm fairly certain I already know what you're...
  3. Terthna

    Conservative vs Libertarian... Round One... DEBATE!

    What about the trolley problem; I mean, would you pull the lever? Kill one to save five? What if those five were total strangers, and that one was a friend, or a family member?
  4. Terthna

    Conservative vs Libertarian... Round One... DEBATE!

    If we believe in objective morality, that would mean only one set of morals is the correct one. One of us is going to be on the outs in that scenario. You're not necessarily wrong about us needing some sort of shared framework though; because there are some things people should agree on if...
  5. Terthna

    Conservative vs Libertarian... Round One... DEBATE!

    Freedom isn't something handed to you on a silver platter; it's something every generation must be vigilant to protect, else tyrants will rise to take it from you. It's a lesson that history has tried to teach us repeatedly, yet we keep making the same mistakes, because we always take what we...
  6. Terthna

    Conservative vs Libertarian... Round One... DEBATE!

    Thing is, from my perspective, so do you; you just obfuscate it in your own mind by believing that your morals are objectively correct. Meanwhile, I'm just trying to reconcile my own moral code with yours, in a way that does not reduce you into some sort of evil caricature of yourself. Also, if...
  7. Terthna

    Conservative vs Libertarian... Round One... DEBATE!

    I am well aware that I vastly oversimplified the issue to prove a point, but that's what you did as well when you asserted that free love caused "infidelity, decline of marriage, and the rise of degeneracy like "trans kids"", as if they were the sole result of the movement. Also, I find it...
  8. Terthna

    Conservative vs Libertarian... Round One... DEBATE!

    Meanwhile, I say that organized religion is wrong. All the violence done in its name, its rejection of science, and the abuses perpetrated by those it gives power over others to proves me right. That's the issue with claiming that something is objectively moral; there's no shortage of...
  9. Terthna

    Conservative vs Libertarian... Round One... DEBATE!

    Because I believe what they stood for was morally wrong. Morality being subjective does not invalidate one's own beliefs on what is and is not moral; it merely explains how different people in different circumstances can come to different conclusions on that subject.
  10. Terthna

    Conservative vs Libertarian... Round One... DEBATE!

    Well again, if every girl became a prostitute, there wouldn't be that much money to go around for all of them. I'm not even sure turning tricks would net you higher wages than flipping burgers, with such an overabundance in labor. We'd probably see some sort of increase in women pursuing a...
  11. Terthna

    Conservative vs Libertarian... Round One... DEBATE!

    Actually, I think I get it now; your argument is that if prostitution wasn't shamed, more women would become prostitutes. I suppose the logic is sound, but I doubt every woman would become one; for one thing, supply and demand would ensure that, if such a thing were to happen, the job would pay...
  12. Terthna

    Conservative vs Libertarian... Round One... DEBATE!

    Yes they are. No seriously; I have never once heard a regressive leftist say that sex work, that is to say having sex with someone for money, is "empowering". They have called selling what is little more than titillation empowering, basically just showing off you cleavage on a Twitch stream, but...
  13. Terthna

    Conservative vs Libertarian... Round One... DEBATE!

    And yet none of that has anything to do with how prostitutes are treated by society, because they're still being shamed just as much as they ever were.
  14. Terthna

    Conservative vs Libertarian... Round One... DEBATE!

    Which ultimately means that, aside from some holdouts on the right like Certified_Heterosexual, most of the condemnation sex workers receive now comes from the regressive left. They say it's because prostitution as a profession abuses women, but their actions which almost universally come down...