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  1. Terthna

    Tabletop TSR is returning: The Birthplace of the RPG

    Reading deeper into the accusations, Wizards may actually have a point about the new Star Frontiers being racist; what with it listing "Negros" as a race with 10+ in all stats (except intelligence, which maxes out at 9), followed immediately by a "Nordic" race with 13+ in all stats, including...
  2. Terthna

    Tabletop TSR is returning: The Birthplace of the RPG

    I'd argue their "diversity" stance is what's negatively impacting their image, but I guess they only care about what violently delusional cultists think about them.
  3. Terthna

    Tabletop TSR is returning: The Birthplace of the RPG

    And their fanboys are buying it hook, line, and sinker. I first found out about this from a guy I was subscribed to thanks to a video review he did for a storage solution for Magic the Gathering cards. Suffice to say, after watching him calling the new TSR racists and comparing them to Trump (as...
  4. Terthna

    Tabletop TSR is returning: The Birthplace of the RPG

    So new TSR is getting sued by Wizards of the Coast; this time for making a new Star Frontiers book. Small problem with that; Wizards' trademark for that particular IP has long since lapsed, so they're trying to argue that since they own the rights to publish old TSR books they own the TSR brand...
  5. Terthna

    Tabletop TSR is returning: The Birthplace of the RPG

    They might have been able to use the controversy to position themselves as an anti-regressive left alternative to mainstream PnP RPGs, but they clearly weren't prepared for such a drastic pivot in terms of market strategy. They were hoping for mainstream success, but that was never going to...
  6. Terthna

    Tabletop TSR is returning: The Birthplace of the RPG

    The problem is that capitulating to the mob isn't going to get them un-banned; it's just going to be taken as an admission of guilt, and be used as a justification for why they should stay banned. Even if they could get the mob off of their backs, it still wouldn't help; because part of the...
  7. Terthna

    Tabletop TSR is returning: The Birthplace of the RPG

    What are they even planning on selling at this point? Because it seems like they haven't thought about that part yet, and are just panicking right now. If nothing else, this debacle has at least illustrated that the mainstream PnP RPG community is so thoroughly infected by regressive leftists...
  8. Terthna

    Tabletop TSR is returning: The Birthplace of the RPG

    So TSR is dead again; that certainly didn't last long. How many times are we going to have to see fools failing to save themselves by trying to capitulate to an angry regressive left mob, before it stops being a standard business practice? If they don't have the courage to stand up for...
  9. Terthna

    Tabletop TSR is returning: The Birthplace of the RPG

    Some people literally cannot function unless they can find something to be offended over; it's part of their conditioning.
  10. Terthna

    Tabletop TSR is returning: The Birthplace of the RPG

    It, along with all of social media, basically incentives stalking and other sociopathic behavior.
  11. Terthna

    Tabletop TSR is returning: The Birthplace of the RPG

    Well seeing as how TSR doesn't have the rights to D&D either, they could just makes video games out of whatever they're publishing instead.
  12. Terthna

    Tabletop TSR is returning: The Birthplace of the RPG

    And yet, none of them are the ones that actually matter; namely, the Gold Box games.
  13. Terthna

    Tabletop TSR is returning: The Birthplace of the RPG

    Neat; now all I need is for someone to revive Strategic Simulations.