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  1. The Immortal Watch Dog

    Klaus Schwab and the World Economic Forum

    Give me the Mithraic mysteries over this bullshit any day.
  2. The Immortal Watch Dog

    Klaus Schwab and the World Economic Forum

    Less intelligent and just better at the art of BS I suppose. But fair
  3. The Immortal Watch Dog

    Klaus Schwab and the World Economic Forum

    Both are too malignant and socially retarded and nakedly evil. The antichrist is supposed to be more charismatic and subtle iirc
  4. The Immortal Watch Dog

    Klaus Schwab and the World Economic Forum

    Animals arguably have souls. A toaster never will.
  5. The Immortal Watch Dog

    Klaus Schwab and the World Economic Forum

    Amen, I would also add "the immediate use of nuclear weapons upon any nation that develops sophisticated AI." as the only international treaty. Big banks = proscribed. Userors use AI...they gotta submit or be liquidated.
  6. The Immortal Watch Dog

    Klaus Schwab and the World Economic Forum

    Did you catch his attempt to repress that smirk? This man is vapid and evil and would be fed to the machine the moment his utility expires.
  7. The Immortal Watch Dog

    Klaus Schwab and the World Economic Forum

    I know you are, I was adding to what you were saying not disagreeing :ROFLMAO:
  8. The Immortal Watch Dog

    Klaus Schwab and the World Economic Forum

    "Hust give up and be a slave bro!" How very poignant in regards to this thread.
  9. The Immortal Watch Dog

    Klaus Schwab and the World Economic Forum

    Undermining Russia for you, undermines us, because it means doing something for someone other than an American. What part of "You don't deserve our effort or energy" is so hard to comprehend? We aren't your fucking janitors, nor your champions. Also, there is no material concerns for you...
  10. The Immortal Watch Dog

    Klaus Schwab and the World Economic Forum

    Make's it more credible than any of your stances though, because you're citing the people who have wrecked the world and doing it because you have a cultural animus with the Russian. You want to undermine my country, so you can relive your ancestors BTFOing them in cavalry raids. I find that...
  11. The Immortal Watch Dog

    Klaus Schwab and the World Economic Forum

    Allies that have been nothing but deadweight since the 1980's? Great foreign policy for a 16 year old. Good luck having any allies with that attitude. And I just said, I don't believe Russia could actually do that, but that the CIA/FBI/NSA not only could do that, but they've done it before on...
  12. The Immortal Watch Dog

    Klaus Schwab and the World Economic Forum

    Only American lives matter, ergo, the only time a violent response should be warranted is if American's are in danger. Noam Chomsky's foreign policy boils down to "Gibsdats, for everyonez" That's little different than the modern neocon foreign policy. I'm advocating, "fuck the world, only...
  13. The Immortal Watch Dog

    Klaus Schwab and the World Economic Forum

    No, see any shitole with nuclear capacity that dares threaten the US over American citizens and an America First Agenda can get their governments psyopped, their nations overthrown, and their resources long as those resources go right into the pockets of American citizens and no one...
  14. The Immortal Watch Dog

    Klaus Schwab and the World Economic Forum

    kek, another L for the globalist cabal...
  15. The Immortal Watch Dog

    Klaus Schwab and the World Economic Forum

    Right, of course, because a dying, desperate people with their backs to a wall won't try for a mutual kill? Thing is, even if its just an empty threat, neither you nor your countrymen are worth someone else issuing that threat against the US. Y'know, ya reached levels of desperation a few...
  16. The Immortal Watch Dog

    Klaus Schwab and the World Economic Forum

    Yes, worrying about the annihilation of my country in nuclear hellfire because a bunch of suicidal boomers want one last hurrah is such a waste of time. That was fucking pathetic Marduck, comments like that are low effort even by the standards of facebook fatties. oh, and in case you're...
  17. The Immortal Watch Dog

    Klaus Schwab and the World Economic Forum

    I wonder who your Romeo Delare is going to be when the great Snow Rwandan genocide kicks off? Either way we won't be lifting a finger to intervene. We don't care about Slavic grudge matches anymore. They aren't our problem, their exclusively yours.
  18. The Immortal Watch Dog

    Klaus Schwab and the World Economic Forum

    Supposed right-wingers lmao. We won't die where you tell us to die anymore, your base, ancient and barbaric ethnic vendetta against a bunch of half naked savages who shit in igloos isn't cause for a bunch of Americans to die. And yeah, nah we can draw attention to woke programs and race...
  19. The Immortal Watch Dog

    Klaus Schwab and the World Economic Forum

    My grandmother almost went that distance, physically she could have. But she was born in 1920, the city she lived in her whole life was built by her grandpa and funded by her husband's grandpa. They were born in the same year, knew each other since they were babies. He died 36 years before she...