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  1. The Name of Love

    What Should The Right Wing Be?
    Threadmarks: My Vision of the Right.

    What is Conservatism? I was originally inspired to this thread by an article in The American Conservative, and think it bears repeating. If you look at the TAC Symposium "What is American Conservatism?", we find a wide variety of different ideas. Some point to George Washington for inspiration...
  2. The Name of Love

    What Should The Right Wing Be?

    Antifa has permission to riot by the authorities. You do not have permission to defend yourself by the authorities. This is the essence of anarcho-tyranny.
  3. The Name of Love

    What Should The Right Wing Be?

    With the military and the police. If you think that Leftists won't use those against "Fascists," you have another thing coming. The military has tanks. You don't. They will win. This fantasy of the armed militia rebellion is one of the most pervasive myths on the Right. I find it to be a...
  4. The Name of Love

    What Should The Right Wing Be?

    Why do you think that Leftists need to get their gun grab agenda off the ground? All they have to do is prevent militant Right-wingers from organizing in the streets.
  5. The Name of Love

    What Should The Right Wing Be?

    But I'm not a feminist, am I? I don't recall actually arguing for women to be nothing but people-makers. That's an insult to stay-at-home mothers, who work extremely hard and are generally active in their communities. However, having women be more oriented towards domestic duties would be...
  6. The Name of Love

    What Should The Right Wing Be?

    If you honestly think you have bigger guns than the Left, then I don't know what to tell you. Yes, I see that going very well for the Leftists and very poorly for the Militant Right-Wingers. A third category of what?
  7. The Name of Love

    What Should The Right Wing Be?

    By the police? By the courts? By the legal system predicated on being opposed to militant right-wing groups? We don't have that.
  8. The Name of Love

    What Should The Right Wing Be?

    If you equate "feminism" with "respecting women," then sure, anyone who doesn't hate women is a feminist. But I don't know how someone like me, who wants to implement a system wherein marriages are arranged between the prospective husband and his future bride's father could be a "feminist" in...
  9. The Name of Love

    What Should The Right Wing Be?

    I mean, Nick Land claims that capitalism is an evil AI sent from the future that's designed to slowly eradicate and replace humanity. Or something.
  10. The Name of Love

    What Should The Right Wing Be?

    My bad, I probably am confusing you with someone else. It happens to me too often, unfortunately.
  11. The Name of Love

    What Should The Right Wing Be?

    I believe he referred to himself as a Randian Objectivist and a Nietzschean Existentialist elsewhere.
  12. The Name of Love

    What Should The Right Wing Be?

    Well, we have socialist versions of feminism already. How about... we don't have feminism? And if right-wing militants and left-wing militants clash, who are the courts going to side with? It seems to me they side against groups like the Proud Boys.
  13. The Name of Love

    What Should The Right Wing Be?

    BoomerU has Feminism 2.0 already. Is this what you mean? What is this?
  14. The Name of Love

    What Should The Right Wing Be?

    Very much this. Nazism was born out of the pathologies of accepting the enemy's frame. In World War I, the liberal democracies of the world established, through force of arms, the idea that "if you aren't a liberal, then you're a hun." Given how destructive (and quite frankly, hypocritical)...
  15. The Name of Love

    What Should The Right Wing Be?

    Well, it's sort of like the Optimate/Populares split in the Roman Republic. And that split ended during the civil war, after the Roman Empire established itself.
  16. The Name of Love

    What Should The Right Wing Be?

    You can't be separated from the "right-wing-left-wing crap." Unless you can leave society, that is.
  17. The Name of Love

    What Should The Right Wing Be?

    On two separate threads, I laid out some criticisms of mainstream conservatism. To summarize, I believe that the modern Right has three problems: 1. It cannot adequately deal with the problem of social disintegration. 2. It cannot fully grasp the reality of the Left's utter dominance and why...