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  1. The Original Sixth

    Star Trek The Birth of a Federation Military

    It was actually reused multiple times as the skeleton for alien spaceship bridges.
  2. The Original Sixth

    Star Trek The Birth of a Federation Military

    Well, it was Roddenberry who wanted to include all of that crap. I think it was mostly dropped from the franchise because instead of offering them opportunity for new stories and threads, it was mostly forgotten. They only separated the ship a handful of times, they rarely used the civilians for...
  3. The Original Sixth

    Star Trek The Birth of a Federation Military

    Well, most security breaches in ST are actually cybersecurity breaches of one sort or another. Actual physical security breaches are either aided by cybersecurity breaches (because force fields mean you lose) or random plot fuckery. As far as actual mismanagement in a security breach goes, he...
  4. The Original Sixth

    Star Trek The Birth of a Federation Military

    It'd be nice to see some variations personally (the BoP Warp Plates are cool, as are the Vulcan warp rings), but by the setting's own standards, the exposed warp nacelles are sort of a requirement for fast moving ships. It's a trade-off. I grant them that, nor do I expect them to have decided...
  5. The Original Sixth

    Star Trek The Birth of a Federation Military

    That's not really much of an excuse, to be honest. While there were compatibility issues between Starfleet and Cardassian programs and hardware--as well as Cardassian security issues they didn't fully appreciate, such as using security computer rods for computer access, as we typically saw with...
  6. The Original Sixth

    Star Trek The Birth of a Federation Military

    Well, there are plenty of flaws that you can point out in the GCS. For example, the fact that the ship rarely separates, but the civilian section of the ship is front and center. Without armor, it's pretty bad. With shields, it's actually worse, because it means the area most likely to suffer...
  7. The Original Sixth

    Star Trek The Birth of a Federation Military

    Your boy is retarded. Of his ten criticisms, only one has any real merit. And that was one example, not one criticism. To be more specific... 1) The Bridge is Exposed It is not as bad as people make it out to be. In most combat situations, both ships will approach each other and hence be...
  8. The Original Sixth

    Star Trek The Birth of a Federation Military

    Are you sure that's not part of the forward launcher?
  9. The Original Sixth

    Star Trek The Birth of a Federation Military

    Actually, I don't think that's the case. I think you're misremembering the issue. There is most definitely a phaser strip that is not in use unless they enter saucer separation mode, which does highlight a flaw in its design. That being that the two largest and most capable phaser strips are...
  10. The Original Sixth

    Star Trek The Birth of a Federation Military

    Well, the Galaxy wasn't supposed to be a battleship. It was intended as an Explorer class.
  11. The Original Sixth

    Star Trek The Birth of a Federation Military

    Same could be said of numerous fictional medieval battles. I think the LotR series had some of the most competent set pieces when it came to combat--and a detailed look at the movie's keeps and fortresses shows shocking design flaws. Or Legend of Zelda, where fortress defenses are inaccurate...
  12. The Original Sixth

    Star Trek The Birth of a Federation Military

    Well, I agree with them having drones. Insurrection proves how easy those are to rig up by a minor power. We also saw them in DS9 in a holosuite demonstration and there was an advanced prototype used by a dead civilization that starfleet defeated. And with the increasing use of drones, we're...
  13. The Original Sixth

    Star Trek The Birth of a Federation Military

    Eh, too late. I'm not trying to change the tone of the setting. That's not the intent. You can keep in-line with the tone of a setting and make some obvious adjustments. See, I don't agree with that take right there. ST doesn't need people wearing heavy tactical body armor. Again, you can...
  14. The Original Sixth

    Star Trek The Birth of a Federation Military

    I mean, it's a portrayal. Jean-Luc Picard does not actually look like Patrick Stewart. He is portrayed by Patrick Stewart. What you're seeing is a portrayal of the setting. Again, it is a portrayal. I mean, you can look to LotR for this. How many medieval settings have clean burning fuel for...
  15. The Original Sixth

    Star Trek The Birth of a Federation Military

    Uh...the GCS does have an ablative hull. TNG TM I mean, it's like half an inch thick, but they do have it. The polarized hull plating was also a pre-runner to structural integrity field. And the two systems may not be compatible with each other. In fact, we can't even be sure that the hulls...
  16. The Original Sixth

    Star Trek The Birth of a Federation Military

    Holy shit, but I gotta scavange for a dozen grenade references while you fight me tooth and nail? Seriously? C'mon. Second, that scene--everything about it was the height of mental retardation. Those are two ships, in close proximity and in order to take them out, he needs to create a "photonic...
  17. The Original Sixth

    Star Trek The Birth of a Federation Military

    Are you being stubborn or is this the autism? It's a TV show that is primary focused on the naval/explorative aspect of the setting. You're not going to see guys with full on tactical gear. Even if they had the budget for it. Which they didn't. They do use grenades. We literally had an...
  18. The Original Sixth

    Star Trek The Birth of a Federation Military

    The Intrepid is roughly twice the mass of the Defiant. There's really no reason why, even with 20 years of technological advancement, why they're slower than the Galaxy Class. Nor is my argument that speed does not scale with size. What my argument is that it does not scale as quickly as it...
  19. The Original Sixth

    Star Trek The Birth of a Federation Military

    The Enterprise D can only maintain Warp 9.6 for 12 hours. Even if we say the Defiant normally tops out at 9.0 and the Enterprise D 9.6, the difference is only around 4,000c, If they were racing across our solar system, the Enterprise D would only arrive 4 seconds ahead of the Defiant. I mean...
  20. The Original Sixth

    Star Trek The Birth of a Federation Military

    Actually, the Scimitar did deploy a dual-cockpit fighter with the Scorpions. Although what purpose they served is uncertain. The only weapon we saw on them seemed to be a low-level disruptor cannon that would probably at best serve as a weapon against other small craft or ground vehicles. No...