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  1. T

    Alternate History Nuka Tonic (2021 SI to 1936)

    Highly unlikely. This is not something that the SI would be able to remember enough to solve, or even if he did belivably solve even if he could convince Ford he comes from the future.
  2. T

    Alternate History Nuka Tonic (2021 SI to 1936)

    In that case it's doomed and nothing can be done.
  3. T

    Alternate History Nuka Tonic (2021 SI to 1936)

    Not really. They Soviets got the bomb in 1949 because they could steal it, it the US counter inteligence was not as thoroughly infiltrated by the soviets then the decision not to fight the soviets was a sensible one. With a divergence in 1936 they can actually secure their projects from...
  4. T

    Alternate History Nuka Tonic (2021 SI to 1936)

    What's that supposed to mean? Of course he was an intruder, the entire point was to demonstrate that the SI could easily manage to get to the president if they wanted to. As for punishment, if the President agrees that whatever the SI had to say was important they wouldn't get punished even if...
  5. T

    Alternate History Nuka Tonic (2021 SI to 1936)

    YOu are provably wrong. Nn at least one occasion during WWII, when security was (at least supposedly) a lot tighter than in 1936, a man simply walked in to the white house and joined FDR and family watching a movie - they only noticed him when the lights came up at the end of the movie. And...
  6. T

    Alternate History Nuka Tonic (2021 SI to 1936)

    You seem to be thinking about 21st century white house, in 1936 it's quite plausible to break in to the white house in 1936. Heck, given that public access to the white house was only discontinues during WWII I'm not sure he'd need to break in. And there are thousands of similar "inventions"...
  7. T

    Alternate History Nuka Tonic (2021 SI to 1936)

    There are a hundred better ways, but having the SI do things the best way all the time is bad writing. While the way he broke in might not have been very belivable, breaking into the white house to see the president is actually a workable strategy, especially if the character actually knows...
  8. T

    Alternate History Nuka Tonic (2021 SI to 1936)

    The issue is, If you show up in early 20th century there really isn't any justification for NOT going straight to the top if you can. There are too many things on a national or global scale that could have turned out so much better if only people had some information, and on the other hand...
  9. T

    Alternate History Nuka Tonic (2021 SI to 1936)

    Yah it would rais eybrows, but I don't think he could sell it very easily, it's too different and odd. There are people who would buy it, and for a sizable chunck of money, but not most people he could find on the street, or even in a clock maker's shop. Also he doesn't need to raise a lot of...
  10. T

    Alternate History Nuka Tonic (2021 SI to 1936)

    I'll take your word for it. So he has no cash (I'm taking back my earlier point about coins - that was my thinking about paying in bills with a couple of coins included), although I suppose he might be able to sell a couple of coins or stamps he might have. I'd expect any jeweler at the time...
  11. T

    Alternate History Nuka Tonic (2021 SI to 1936)

    While the blend has changed several times, I'm not sure the change would significantly affect how it feels. Point, but I still think it's possible and plausabile that the clerk not notice the coins are wrong as long as they're the right size, shape and color. 1. I don't think you're right...
  12. T

    Alternate History Nuka Tonic (2021 SI to 1936)

    That's not all it did. It also helped him consolidate his power. I believe you, but you need to convince Ford. Also what information do you have to convince him to listen and what do you have to offer you think is so valuable? How? The US did not have the ability to destroy the Soviet union. Or...
  13. T

    Alternate History Nuka Tonic (2021 SI to 1936)

    Why would they kill him? By the time they'd know anything about it all killing him would do is make things worse for them. The SI is either not going to have any evidence to back the claims of how terrible the Soviet Union was or the evidence would already be handed over. In either case killing...
  14. T

    Alternate History Nuka Tonic (2021 SI to 1936)

    I'm not following the logic here. Granting your point about FDR, the knowledge of the future would make great propaganda for why they need to go to war and the SI is even conceding from the start that war may be needed/unavoidable. For that matter, even if the SI was some nutty anti-war zellot...
  15. T

    Alternate History Nuka Tonic (2021 SI to 1936)

    Very nice start, and I hope to see more of this. Seems to me that even for 1936 he got through the security too easily, but it's not impossible just means the security screwed up. I am wondering about the story the local kid he picked up told - in 1936 Nashville I don't think a white girl would...