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  1. The Whispering Monk

    Starfleet vs UNSC Ground Troops

    Who does Section 31 have to justify anything to?
  2. The Whispering Monk

    Starfleet vs UNSC Ground Troops

    The Feddies believe they can control the Flood, and Section 31 is going to use them in targeted releases against the enemies of the Federation.
  3. The Whispering Monk

    Starfleet vs UNSC Ground Troops

    My biggest problem with Star Trek phasers is that they aren't governed by science. They're governed by plot. If the writer wants to use phasers as the cool toy to overcome a challenge, he just writes in the capability without any thought to what's come before.
  4. The Whispering Monk

    Starfleet vs UNSC Ground Troops

    These assumptions are based on nothing more than modern tech....which UNSC is decidedly NOT.
  5. The Whispering Monk

    Starfleet vs UNSC Ground Troops

    These are assumption that have nothing to base them on. So you're argument has no basis.
  6. The Whispering Monk

    Starfleet vs UNSC Ground Troops

    I think the biggest problem with this debate is that we're assuming the UNSC tech is so far LESS than Star Trek despite them having a GENERATION almost of constant WAR. I have no doubt that UNSC space fighters are quite capable of downing Federation Fighters and Shuttles. They do so...
  7. The Whispering Monk

    Starfleet vs UNSC Ground Troops

    Shit explodes in Star Trek ALL THE TIME. It's one reason I'm floored the bridge crew isn't in armor.
  8. The Whispering Monk

    Starfleet vs UNSC Ground Troops

    Which is the biggest cause of casualties in modern war.
  9. The Whispering Monk

    Starfleet vs UNSC Ground Troops

    Covers the entire planet... 1. why would they need to cover the entire planet? 2. It's Forerunner tech. Of course it can cover the entire planet. Can't be taken out by the other side. 1. Probably not from outside the control center. 2. Defended by Spartans and ODSTs so...good luck. And also...
  10. The Whispering Monk

    Starfleet vs UNSC Ground Troops

    At least until they erect an anti beaming field by utilizing the Forerunner tech.
  11. The Whispering Monk

    Starfleet vs UNSC Ground Troops

    Spartans have a way of taking your box and making origami nukes out of them.
  12. The Whispering Monk

    Starfleet vs UNSC Ground Troops

    Considering the UNSC has been facing fighter forces that will, likely, have been peer competitors of star fleet, I don't think the Air Domination is as one-sided as you think. ...Spartans
  13. The Whispering Monk

    Starfleet vs UNSC Ground Troops

    USNC normally deploys with the full panoply or vehicles and support, and their transports carry organic vehicles with the troops. I have never seen the UFP deploy with armor or artillery.
  14. The Whispering Monk

    Starfleet vs UNSC Ground Troops

    Federation gets hosed. They don't understand ground operations. It's apparent in EVERYTHING they've shown us. At least not above tactical level engagements. UNSC gets what they want, and the UFP gets LOTS of casualties. NOTE: the ONLY tactical level engagements I've ever seen the Federation...