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  1. Tryglaw

    Babylon 5 A Fighting Chance --- A Babylon 5 AU

    You could always make the Minbari cough up the dough for them as part of peace settlement. :)
  2. Tryglaw

    Babylon 5 A Fighting Chance --- A Babylon 5 AU

    Will you see Babylon stations built, or will their worth go to MOAR Warships! :)
  3. Tryglaw

    Babylon 5 A Fighting Chance --- A Babylon 5 AU

    There had been theories / indications Clark might have had a Drakh keeper planted, so the "choice" to burn Earth would not have been actually his... Well, yes, after near-extermination EarthForce and Humanity at large not wanting payback would make the suspension of disbelief go cry in the...
  4. Tryglaw

    Babylon 5 A Fighting Chance --- A Babylon 5 AU

    By the way, do you plan for the sequel to include some form of wrap-up? We didn't really get a proper "closure" how the war transitioned into peace, what were the peace terms and their impact on politics (be it internal Minbari or interplanetary). Otherwise I can't wait for the fix. :D
  5. Tryglaw

    Babylon 5 A Fighting Chance --- A Babylon 5 AU

    @Harlock About the scene with Branmer and Sinclair, brilliantly done, the Minbari were so near, and yet oh so far... :D
  6. Tryglaw

    Babylon 5 A Fighting Chance --- A Babylon 5 AU

    Superb, as always. :)
  7. Tryglaw

    Babylon 5 A Fighting Chance --- A Babylon 5 AU

    You are correct, they are established. Just that the feats in question don't exactly touch upon the soul as much as they do upon DNA*. Did Delenn's soul "change" in the Chrysalis? Did Sinclair's? All the critical interpretations were performed by Minbari Religious Caste members, who have...
  8. Tryglaw

    Babylon 5 A Fighting Chance --- A Babylon 5 AU

    It's sort of like Gul Dukat (or some other Cardassian) explained it, "true victory is not to defeat your enemy, but to make them understand it was pointless and wrong to oppose you in the first place...".
  9. Tryglaw

    Babylon 5 A Fighting Chance --- A Babylon 5 AU

    Hmmm, let me check... OK, here's the link. It just says there >were< 3 of them in existence, with no source for that statement. Episode indicated just shows the capacity to stun / stasis someone. Of course, in B5 lore "were / are" are a subjective term, keep in mind how Zathras spoke of The...
  10. Tryglaw

    Babylon 5 A Fighting Chance --- A Babylon 5 AU

    Hmmm, I don't recall ever seeing more then one, in fact when spoken about singular form is used in specific ("The Triluminary is our most holy relic, it can not be questioned") so just the name would imply tri-(...). ;) And the one item known would loop back time and again, Sinclair took with...
  11. Tryglaw

    Babylon 5 A Fighting Chance --- A Babylon 5 AU

    LC, I'm kind of surprised you didn't use railgun Novas, either conventional or in mobile freight train launcher variant... ;) Also, I must wonder, whatever happened to Sinclair and Ari'shan? Also, the Triluminary just got vaporised with along with the Minbari flagship, so unless the Vorlons...
  12. Tryglaw

    Babylon 5 A Fighting Chance --- A Babylon 5 AU

    Well, Delenn and Lennon (who shouldn't be dead this time around) are the 2 Minbari alive who know for a fact that Vorlons are (sometimes) on the GC ship, so no need to send expeditions out... (Just check the wardrobe) :D
  13. Tryglaw

    Babylon 5 A Fighting Chance --- A Babylon 5 AU

    Keep in mind Shadow servants don't announce themselves with "Exclusive Shadow sales rep. for XXX species" on their business cards... ;) At that time even Vorlons were thought of as a legend, expeditions sent there not coming back, GC members considering attempts to contact a "waste of lives and...
  14. Tryglaw

    Babylon 5 A Fighting Chance --- A Babylon 5 AU

    Based on what LC gave us glimpses at, it is unlikely that a stalemate (second Balos) would happen, most likely we will a reverse of OTL. Battle of the Line, Minbari defeated, turn inwards as EA did. Would be hilarious if a Shadow agent were to find traction there, because there would be no...
  15. Tryglaw

    Babylon 5 A Fighting Chance --- A Babylon 5 AU

    LC, a question: will you include the scene with a certain senator of Italian descent that we once spoke about? LoNAW ambassadors disrespecting him / EA and all that? Not even addressing him properly? :devilish:🤣
  16. Tryglaw

    Babylon 5 A Fighting Chance --- A Babylon 5 AU

    Well, thanks, I'll try not to disappoint. :)
  17. Tryglaw

    Babylon 5 A Fighting Chance --- A Babylon 5 AU

    Well, quite a bit happened IRL, new challenges and opportunities to rise up to, fun stuff had to take back seat. Now that I've vaguely managed to stay ahead of the tide, I have some more time to spare. ;) Sounds interestingly, can't wait to see it. That's virtually Undiscovered Country in...
  18. Tryglaw

    Babylon 5 A Fighting Chance --- A Babylon 5 AU

    Hey there LC, fancy meeting you here*... ;) Out of sheer curiosity, seeing as you went with Drakh tech rather then PsiCorps to break Minbari stealth, do you have any plans for the PsiCorps? Will they be outed for having kept quiet their ability to track ships in hyper? Or to look past the...