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  1. Whitestrake Pelinal

    MGTOW Opinion

    A man should not categorically refuse risk, but.. he should also measure risk against reward. Part of the whole MGTOW situation is that risks have been greatly increased at the same time as rewards have been decreased. Sometimes not in obvious ways, either. Frex: In a healthy society, part...
  2. Whitestrake Pelinal

    MGTOW Opinion

    Legal in some states, illegal in others. I do not think surveillance like this is a part of a healthy long term relationship. Okay for men who are strictly pursuing short term relationships for pleasure and...
  3. Whitestrake Pelinal

    MGTOW Opinion

    That is bullshit. People change, and the current environment allows for females to become sadistic and abusive with the expectation that they will be supported by their nations legal-judicial prison complex and a horde of Momma's Boys In Blue, armed and ready to protect mummy by beating or...
  4. Whitestrake Pelinal

    MGTOW Opinion

    I don't mind the ideas, I am a bachelor and expect I will remain one. I think poorly of the movement. I have not observed self-identified MGTOWs to have achieved anything of note and their communities tend to be giant pity parties. They also seem to spend an awful lot of time frothing over...