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  1. W

    WI the Franco-Prussian War went the other way?

    Question for you: If Maximilian lives, is there any chance that he could divorce Charlotte/Carlota and marry someone else (likely some other princess) in the hope of providing him an heir? Especially if Austro-Hungarian Crown Prince Rudolf still commit suicide on schedule and thus Max becomes...
  2. W

    WI the Franco-Prussian War went the other way?

    I have now created a new thread about this here: Please feel free to post any additional thoughts of yours on this over there. That said, though, there is one thing that I want...
  3. W

    WI the Franco-Prussian War went the other way?

    @Circle of Willis Here's a question for you: If Max lives, gets his place back in the A-H line of succession after leaving Mexico (as opposed to being executed there like in real life), and manages to live to age 90 (not impossible considering that his brother FJ lived to age 86), dying in 1922...
  4. W

    WI the Franco-Prussian War went the other way?

    Yes, but didn't FJ subsequently restore Max's place in the A-H line of succession in an attempt to save his life from execution at the hands of the Mexicans?
  5. W

    WI the Franco-Prussian War went the other way?

    Yeah, that actually makes perfect sense. I could see Max being allowed to retain/reacquire his place in the A-H line of succession, but not his adopted children. Of course, he could try divorcing Carlota/Charlotte and getting a new wife who would hopefully be more fertile, but this would likely...
  6. W

    WI the Franco-Prussian War went the other way?

    I was actually talking about Ol' Max returning to A-H and getting his place in the A-H line of succession back after getting overthrown in Mexico if he would have managed to avoid getting executed in 1867 and instead got sentenced to a lifetime in exile instead. It's very possible since AFAIK...
  7. W

    WI the Franco-Prussian War went the other way?

    Sad that Ol' Max had to get the ax, though ultimately it appears that it would not have made any difference in the A-H line of succession in the long(er)-run since Max and his wife were childless even though they were married for something like ten years. If they weren't going to breed after ten...
  8. W

    WI the Franco-Prussian War went the other way?

    Would Fascism in and of itself have been enough to ruin the Italian monarchy's fortunes without WWII and the Italian defeat in it? I would assume not, but I just want to make sure. And Yeah, fair points.
  9. W

    WI the Franco-Prussian War went the other way?

    Yeah, fair points. BTW, off-topic, but do you think that Italy would have ever actually become a republic in real life if it wasn't for WWII and the subsequent 1940 Fall of France?
  10. W

    WI the Franco-Prussian War went the other way?

    Might we see Italy supporting republican movements on its neighbors' territories, especially but not necessarily only in France, as a way of getting back at them for the humiliation that they inflicted on Italy? Italian republicans might view foreign monarchs as the root of all of Italy's evils...