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  1. W

    United States 2021 VA, NJ & MD Statewide Thread

    Yep, anti-Communism and anti-socialism certainly helps explain why Vietnamese, Cubans, Venezuelans, former Soviet Jews, et cetera are more sympathetic to Republicans.
  2. W

    United States 2021 VA, NJ & MD Statewide Thread

    Interesting that he's Vietnamese. Apparently Vietnamese-Americans are more pro-Trump (48%) than they are pro-Biden (36%), which is apparently unique for Asian-American groups:
  3. W

    United States 2021 VA, NJ & MD Statewide Thread

    Good. :) I really hope that you're right in regards to this. BLM is responsible for the deaths of several times more black people than it saved, after all:
  4. W

    United States 2021 VA, NJ & MD Statewide Thread

    Yeah, it's similar to how BLM talks about how they're allegedly so oppressed in the US right now while at the same time getting extremely huge amounts of money from Woke corporations.
  5. W

    United States 2021 VA, NJ & MD Statewide Thread

    Nowadays the ACLU cares more about protecting designated victim groups than about protecting freedom of speech:
  6. W

    United States 2021 VA, NJ & MD Statewide Thread

    Cameron Todd Willingham is one notorious case of a very likely innocent man getting wrongly convincted and then executed, with that jackass Rick Perry subsequently trying to cover the trail of his incompetence...
  7. W

    United States 2021 VA, NJ & MD Statewide Thread

    If only such conscience protections didn't actually exist for doctors who refused to perform any elective sterilizations of one's choice, including bilateral epididymectomies.
  8. W

    United States 2021 VA, NJ & MD Statewide Thread

    Well, what about Trump's friends the Saudis killing Jamal Khashoggi?
  9. W

    United States 2021 VA, NJ & MD Statewide Thread

    Are Iranian proxies really worse than the US-sponsored al-Qaeda-affliated Jabhat al-Nusra in Syria?
  10. W

    United States 2021 VA, NJ & MD Statewide Thread

    I don't know because I don't know what kind of foreign business deals Trump's sons actually made when they controlled his businesses. Was the Iran nuclear deal really that bad?
  11. W

    United States 2021 VA, NJ & MD Statewide Thread

    What about this? : Trump also made the Saudis very pleased with his anti-Iran stance--the sanctions, the nuclear deal withdrawal, the Qasem Soleimani assassination, et cetera.
  12. W

    United States 2021 VA, NJ & MD Statewide Thread

    Trump gave control over his businesses to his sons rather than outright selling them. This ensured that foreign leaders and foreign politicians could make deals with Trump's businesses through his sons if they ever wanted to influence Trump.
  13. W

    United States 2021 VA, NJ & MD Statewide Thread

    Agreed. Honestly, I don't get why exactly so many Republicans still like Trump when he's more of a MIGA Chud than a MAGA Chad and when it seems like he cares more about personal enrichment than about the well-being of the country.
  14. W

    United States 2021 VA, NJ & MD Statewide Thread

    Maybe they claim that the GOP establishment is a part of the deep state and that the deep state can try defying even giant popular margins in opposition to it? ;)
  15. W

    United States 2021 VA, NJ & MD Statewide Thread

    According to VDARE, nowadays "civil rights activism" might sometimes or even often be a codeword for "anti-white activism". :( So, this move is unsurprising.
  16. W

    United States 2021 VA, NJ & MD Statewide Thread

    The revolution devours their own children. :(
  17. W

    United States 2021 VA, NJ & MD Statewide Thread

    Who exactly said that cancel culture is not a problem for the Left? Leftists who think outside the box get cancelled, after all.
  18. W

    United States 2021 VA, NJ & MD Statewide Thread

    The GOP of 2005 only cared about foreign wars, tax cuts, abortion, same-sex marriage, abstinence-only sex education, teaching intelligent designs in public schools, and the like. The GOP of 2025 will care much more about things such as the Great Replacement, CRT, Wokeness, cancel culture, and...
  19. W

    United States 2021 VA, NJ & MD Statewide Thread

    What's interesting is that Chris Christie was able to win in New Jersey in 2009 and 2013 in spite of him being anti-abortion--and in 2013, he won by a giant margin! This was before Bridgegate, of course. But Yeah, ordinary people probably care much less about things such as abortion and much...