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  1. W

    Most common alternate history tropes?

    Would a Texan Karl Marx really be that bad when you think about it, though? His descendants could become generic run-of-the-mill typical American-Jewish leftists such as Noam Chomsky, aka Gnome Chompsky.
  2. W

    Most common alternate history tropes?
  3. W

    Most common alternate history tropes?

    He should have moved to Texas and become Lone Star Karl. That way, he could have perhaps had a more enlightened perspective on things lol. But as it was Lenin distorted his vision by attempting to impose Communism on a largely pre-industrial society.
  4. W

    Most common alternate history tropes?

    I personally prefer to be a Marxist-Lennonist: Worship Groucho Marx and John Lennon lol:
  5. W

    Most common alternate history tropes?

    Muh Communism. Which conquests did he plan right before his assassination?
  6. W

    Most common alternate history tropes?

    What does MC stand for?
  7. W

    Most common alternate history tropes?

    What's her name?
  8. W

    Most common alternate history tropes?

    Who was the hot waifu?
  9. W

    Most common alternate history tropes?

    I'm actually inclined to believe that JFK would have withdrawn from Vietnam by 1965: But wouldn't a lot of Vietnamese and Indochinese have still wanted to...
  10. W

    Most common alternate history tropes?

    Would we get as many Vietnamese and other Indochinese refugees in this TL once Vietnam and Laos fall to the Communists? (I think that Cambodia might actually escape Communist rule in this TL due to the US not bombing it.)
  11. W

    Most common alternate history tropes?

    Worth noting that German generals had already sworn a personal loyalty oath to Hitler in 1934, though. Would they break it so casually in spite of the Prussian traditions of honor and military discipline?
  12. W

    Most common alternate history tropes?

    The way that I see it is that a Rhineland reoccupation by France would not be a disaster for Germany if the French don't subsequently march onto Berlin, which I doubt they were realistically capable of doing anyway due to their very bad financial situation back then. But a Sudeten crisis that...
  13. W

    Most common alternate history tropes?

    Do you have a link for this, please? Because getting the Rhineland reoccupied isn't that scary if the French don't subsequently march onto Berlin. Hitler would be humbled, Yes, but it wouldn't be a critical situation for Germany.
  14. W

    Most common alternate history tropes?

    Another common AH trope: That if France militarily resists Hitler's Rhineland takeover, then anti-Nazis in the German military are automatically going to overthrow Hitler and the Nazis right afterwards. Right ... 'coz it's totally worth risking one's own neck over! I mean, if French troops were...
  15. W

    Most common alternate history tropes?

    Any Franco-British union will inevitably be French-dominated and led by Paris in the long(er)-run. The Philippines was going to become Muslim without Spanish colonization. France's monarchy, if restored in the early 1870s, was going to fall after the end of World War II if it was going to...
  16. W

    Most common alternate history tropes?

    Like Jesus lol! The Hitler-Jesus myth! ;) Also that a victorious Confederacy could ally with the Nazis, ignoring the butterfly effect and the fact that Adolf Hitler won't be born for another 2.5 decades, which is more than enough butterflies to butterfly away his subsequent birth, let alone...
  17. W

    Most common alternate history tropes?

    What are some of the most common alternate history tropes, in your own honest opinion? Personally, I think that having Germany expand eastwards, either directly or with its sphere of influence, is one of them simply because of just how frequently Germany has attempted to do this in real life...