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  1. Zachowon

    Taiwan Straights Tension

    Phillipines looks to be a target more then Taiwna. Or both
  2. Zachowon

    Taiwan Straights Tension

    It is SF. It'd thier job to train forieng nations
  3. Zachowon

    Taiwan Straights Tension

    Basically what the Taiwanese would do anyway.
  4. Zachowon

    Taiwan Straights Tension

    Monet doesn't buy friends. It helps but they arnt your friends
  5. Zachowon

    Taiwan Straights Tension

    I work with two guys who definitely grew up on the somewhat wealthy and well off side. Both are liberal centrists
  6. Zachowon

    Taiwan Straights Tension

    Overkill isn't a waste if you are the most powerful country in the world. Better to make sure then regret it
  7. Zachowon

    Taiwan Straights Tension

    We have a saying in the US military. There is no such thing as overkill, so make sure there is always more then what is needed. The US took one thing from its father. How to be a military powerhouse And we took it to a new level
  8. Zachowon

    Taiwan Straights Tension

    Give me 50 years as president and there would be no welfare in the US. Just military.
  9. Zachowon

    Taiwan Straights Tension

    Sorry, your Navy lost any room to talk when yall downsized. Same with your AF
  10. Zachowon

    Taiwan Straights Tension

    I'm sorry, yall have no room to talk. You don't even have nuclear carriers last I checked
  11. Zachowon

    Taiwan Straights Tension

    Not from what I know. They just want independence now more then anything
  12. Zachowon

    Taiwan Straights Tension

    So he is saying they already are. Ballsy movw
  13. Zachowon

    Taiwan Straights Tension

    Army and Marines will be invovled incase any land forces make it. Or we be evil and let them land only to wipe them out right after. Feint that we arnt going to be there and then BOOM
  14. Zachowon

    Taiwan Straights Tension

    And combat units will always have the harshest nest PT. Every unit has that NCO who wants the best PT they can give. That NCO is making PT for soldiers in combat arms better then previous
  15. Zachowon

    Taiwan Straights Tension

    "Modern" They are untested. They are majority brown water. They also have more old outdated ships then the US
  16. Zachowon

    Taiwan Straights Tension

    Except we know how effective out arms will be. Thanks to Ukraine. We know how ineffective Russia is. Which is important. We have the most experienced and trained military in the world.
  17. Zachowon

    Taiwan Straights Tension

    Hint neither has Russia till now or China. And the US at least experience in warfare and knows what works and doesn't against militaries and the like. And unlike Russia, the US didn't have to pay off to win two of Ota wars.
  18. Zachowon

    Taiwan Straights Tension

    Take ferries from the civies. Just need enough for the initial assault
  19. Zachowon

    Taiwan Straights Tension

    3 carriers. 3 CARRIERS. Holy ahit we are deciding to tell China do it I'd you dare arnt we? I may not like Pelosi but damn does she have balls
  20. Zachowon

    Taiwan Straights Tension

    I will let yall know how things go from the war