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  1. bintananth

    Election 2020 Election Fraud: Let's face it, this year will be a shitshow

    👆👆 THIS, a thousand times this 👆👆 Unless it's in a videos thread I ain't clicking on a video link which doesn't include a short tl:dw. I have better things to do than play link content roulette.
  2. bintananth

    Election 2020 Election Fraud: Let's face it, this year will be a shitshow

    My smartphone hides signatures when viewing the site in portrait. It shows them in landscape.
  3. bintananth

    Election 2020 Election Fraud: Let's face it, this year will be a shitshow

    Don't blame the court system for it taking too long to get a fair hearing. The blame for that can be placed squarely at the feet of the legislature's failures.
  4. bintananth

    Election 2020 Election Fraud: Let's face it, this year will be a shitshow

    Speedy can also be interpreted to mean "as soon as we can get to it" ... which - with how Congress goes about neglecting to fill Judicial vacancies due to politics - also means "this'll take awhile".
  5. bintananth

    Election 2020 Election Fraud: Let's face it, this year will be a shitshow

    That's where the alleged crimes took place so DC courts and juries from that federal district have jurisdiction. This isn't a denial of due process in that regard.
  6. bintananth

    Election 2020 Election Fraud: Let's face it, this year will be a shitshow

    There are more privately owned firearms in the US than there are Americans. Good luck with that. Plus, someone with enough money to retain a rabid pack of lawyers who thinks "'those people' shouldn't have guns" will sic that rabid pack of lawyers on you if you try to take away one of his guns.
  7. bintananth

    Election 2020 Election Fraud: Let's face it, this year will be a shitshow

    If speed did matter you aren't going to gain anything by trying to optimize something like: incl 4(%eax) when adding a vote to a specific candidate's tally. The time consuming part is everything that happens before that instruction to add one to what's stored at a specific memory location.
  8. bintananth

    Election 2020 Election Fraud: Let's face it, this year will be a shitshow

    1) Integer maths is (esp. division) is faster than floating point maths. Much of it is literally one clock cycle. 2) No rounding errors.
  9. bintananth

    Election 2020 Election Fraud: Let's face it, this year will be a shitshow

    That only applies to floating point numbers. Relational operators do work right with integers, which is what you should be using when counting votes.
  10. bintananth

    Election 2020 Election Fraud: Let's face it, this year will be a shitshow

    8 states default to mail-in/drop-off voting. Others allow for it under certain circumstances. In New Mexico, fr'ex, a small (<100 voters) precinct that's remote enough (20mi+ from border to...
  11. bintananth

    Election 2020 Election Fraud: Let's face it, this year will be a shitshow

    The guys and gals who get called RINOs and DINOs aren't the villians. They're the ones who decide which direction things are gonna go because you're never going to convince the people who are staunchly on one side that their position isn't the best one.
  12. bintananth

    Election 2020 Election Fraud: Let's face it, this year will be a shitshow

    I'm a Democrat who votes for Republicans about 1/4 to 1/3 of the time. Just because you have D or R at the end of your name doesn't mean that you actually have the support of the voters from your own party.
  13. bintananth

    Election 2020 Election Fraud: Let's face it, this year will be a shitshow

    IIRC, elections in Georgia are certified by the Secretary of State. Since 2019 that's been Brad Raffensperger. He's a Republican.
  14. bintananth

    Election 2020 Election Fraud: Let's face it, this year will be a shitshow

    It's less a matter of control and more a matter of making sure all of the people in those positions are honest. I have enough faith in humanity to believe that the overwhelming majority of them are.
  15. bintananth

    Election 2020 Election Fraud: Let's face it, this year will be a shitshow

    Roughly 2 minutes of bloviating about stuff for sale you should buy before he says anything on-topic screams of "paid shill". No, I do not want that pillow. Please don't post stuff like that because it's just annoying. Please post the source instead.
  16. bintananth

    Election 2020 Election Fraud: Let's face it, this year will be a shitshow

    I think Iowa does it right when it comes to drawing the lines for Congressional Districts: at the county line and nowhere else. That doesn't work for the state I live in because the county I'm in (and 50 others in various other US states) would be underrepresented in the House if that was the...
  17. bintananth

    Election 2020 Election Fraud: Let's face it, this year will be a shitshow

    No worries. No two English speakers use the exact same dialect of English. As long as the point is understood it's all good.
  18. bintananth

    Election 2020 Election Fraud: Let's face it, this year will be a shitshow

    There are those will vote straight ticket regardless of how horrible the candidate is. Everyone else can be convinced, which is how we got stuff like "Rednecks for Obama" with the occasional Confederate flag tossed in for good measure back in '08.