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  1. bintananth

    War Film recommendations

    YouTube sent Rommel (2012) my way. It's in German with subtitles. My first impression was "I need to set aside 2hrs to watch this without any interruptions."
  2. bintananth

    War Film recommendations

    By Dawn's Early Light (1990) Someone nukes Donetesk and all initial evidence says "The US did it." The Sovets predictbly launch. When they figure out who actually did it the race is on to stop it from getting worse. It follows five groups of people. - The President and his staff - The...
  3. bintananth

    War Film recommendations

    "War is the continuation of politics by other means." - Carl von Clauzewitz
  4. bintananth

    War Film recommendations

    I'd say it counts. There's also Test Pilot (1938): The Army let the film crew borrow a Y1B-17 for some of it. The Army did not let them set one of their shiny new prototypes on fire. IIRC they did that to a DC-2.
  5. bintananth

    War Film recommendations

    There's another one called Admiral that's pretty good: It's about Michiel de Ruyter during the Anglo-Dutch wars. Thank you for reminding me of it.
  6. bintananth

    War Film recommendations

    I'm amazed All Quiet on The Western Front (1930) hasn't been mentioned. Feature length talkies were still fairly new and it shows with the hammy acting reminiscent of a silent film. That's the only real flaw.