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  1. H

    MGTOW Opinion

    It’s not on men to fix women there is no way to do that the moral decay is too great and all the social power is in women’s hands are there “good” women still out there maybe but your asking a lot from guys. Dating is hard in today’s society communities are so broken it’s very hard to get...
  2. H

    MGTOW Opinion

    I personally have no issue with anger and even hate as long as it stays verbal or textual which I think we can all agree mgtow isn’t a group of people who go out and commit violence in their anger so it’s fine with me. Also it’s not just the colleges it’s all the way down to pre ks which...
  3. H

    MGTOW Opinion

    What has to be said here is that a lot of mgtow aren’t men’s rights activists they believe it’s pointless to try to change the laws in this gynocentric society we live in most voters are women and women aren’t going to give up any advantages especially when they think the are the underdogs...
  4. H

    MGTOW Opinion

    Look it’s not about good people and bad the family court and society as a whole is biased against men that’s it you can’t argue against that look at how many shelters charities and scholarships are women specific and when you try to set something like that up for men only your a sexist who hates...
  5. H

    MGTOW Opinion

    Look let’s just say mgtow people are over reacting the laws and the court system especially family court is still fucked and vastly in favor of women even when it’s fucking obvious the women is in the wrong so even if it doesn’t happen (which it does) it could easily happen the system itself is...
  6. H

    MGTOW Opinion

    Why? I was born here I was raised here why should I leave why is complaining and raising valid points and showing real injustice wrong I love my country but it has a bunch of sicknesses. Why is it that you can make sweeping generalizations and be justified mgtow is the same as going on strike...
  7. H

    MGTOW Opinion

    The problem as you say will fix itself when society collapses because women will never vote there rights away in fact women vote more often then men in general. The collapse is kinda what a subset of mgtow believe is coming soon so there’s some crossover with preppers.
  8. H

    MGTOW Opinion

    Look your argument of not holding women to the same standards of men is the bigotry of low expectations and by saying that I’m not calling you names I describing a phenomenon. By saying that women aren’t held to the same standards as men your placing them into the same category as children which...
  9. H

    MGTOW Opinion

    Ah so because they can’t be held to the same standards should they have the same rights then? That’s where your argument takes you. We have to be equal under the law and we aren’t and that’s the main problem most mgtow have men are second class citizens socially and by law in a lot of cases how...
  10. H

    MGTOW Opinion

    Yeah but a lot of people like not going to court for stupid shit so They avoid women but somehow that’s wrong. Why is interacting with women such a risk in our society and why are people just accepting of it why do women get a pass are they not equal to men do they not have to have the same...
  11. H

    MGTOW Opinion

    No because he was scared of her reaction he didn’t feel safe. Etc etc
  12. H

    MGTOW Opinion

    Here’s an example: A woman really likes these guy and they hung out a couple of times and he seems cool so they go out on a date she decides to go for it and kisses him the next day the police show up at her door with sexual assault charges because the man actually didn’t like her that way and...
  13. H

    MGTOW Opinion

    Look another thing that “scares” mgtows but really they are just aware of the danger is white knights if a woman over reacts or lies another man may threaten you or actually attack you it’s a thing that happens
  14. H

    MGTOW Opinion

    All great advice but when even just started conversation can ruin you anymore your options dry up. There was a kid in England who literally talked to a girl once and had to go to court there are men in work places who maybe even refused a woman’s advances and lost there jobs. It comes down to...
  15. H

    MGTOW Opinion

    Im not saying what your putting down is worthless or incorrect but it’s an incomplete picture of the situation as it is now. I’ve seen many a man get utterly screwed in divorce courts or in the court of public opinion where there is no due process your life is just over. Not to be too on the...
  16. H

    MGTOW Opinion

    So if a man is screwed over by a woman’s actions it’s the mans fault for not picking the right woman flip the genders in your statement is it still something you would agree with? Woman can be lying manipulating people just like men but people can’t admit that women have just as much autonomy as men
  17. H

    MGTOW Opinion

    I mean I got the police called on me accusing me of trying to incite a riot or violence after telling a busy body women to fuck off and walking away. I seen several men who will never see their kids again because family court is a joke. Mgtow is people refusing to play Russian roulette
  18. H

    MGTOW Opinion

    What most of you guys are describing when it comes to the anger and such has a name in the mgtow community it’s called the red pilled rage. A man realizes or experiences how screwed up society has become and how much things are stacked against him as a man and he becomes frustrated and angry...