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  1. S

    Alternate History Vivat Stilicho!

    With the power to legislate, even nominal, and the power over its own membership, it's just an assertion of exclusive power over taxation for the Senate to become the post Civil War British Parliament. And a few more centuries of constitutional development for the Emperor's prerogatives to...
  2. S

    Alternate History Vivat Stilicho!

    RE: sailing down Africa, historically the Portuguese found a point at which they can't sail south of because near the coast, the winds and current will uncontrollable push ships southwest (towards Brazil). Historically, the Portuguese got around this by pioneering deep sea navigation, as well...
  3. S

    Alternate History Vivat Stilicho!

    The Senate could always do the collective vs individual vote thing done by the real Holy Roman Empire's Diet. So like the cities and lesser nobility of, say an entire Imperial Diocese get "benches" from which a single vote is made. Or for that matter, the British House of Lords before its total...
  4. S

    Alternate History Vivat Stilicho!

    Not necessarily, with a big empire and intact trade networks, people just might not try as hard to find local sources of materials. And some things are pure luck anyway, and central Germany might actually have fewer people and less development being an outlying province of a gigantic empire vs...
  5. S

    Alternate History Vivat Stilicho!

    Now that we are in the 960s, an interesting major event is about to occur historically, the discovery of silver in the Harz mountains of central Germany, in 968 during the reign of Otto the Great. The mines there are one of the rare instances of producing both copper and tin and thus allowing...
  6. S

    Alternate History Vivat Stilicho!

    Baltic Crusades are a go? Or I guess not yet. I wasn't expecting Khazar rump state in Dagestan. Though thinking on it, surprisingly many defeated nomads end up hiding in those mountains, so it makes sense. As a Roman ally and perhaps future Federate, the position is interesting. Derbent is one...
  7. S

    Alternate History Vivat Stilicho!

    I found a neat map of Oases and Oasis clusters in the Sahara and added some lines appropriate for this timeline: Blue line is the border of the Holy Roman Empire (so the African Kingdom) so far as I understand after the 1st Crusade: Adrar Plateau to Tuat, skimming over Taghazza, then around...
  8. S

    Alternate History Vivat Stilicho!

    Cause longbows are about social organization, not technology. And God knows both Irish and invaders have a hard time changing Irish society. You know what'd be neat though? Take Tod's Instant Legolas: Get rid of all the fancy rapid fire and sliding parts, and make it a straight crossbow, just...
  9. S

    Alternate History Vivat Stilicho!

    Well, at least it makes sense for this Ja'far to become the prototypical evil vizier in fiction. The historical Ja'far ibn Yahya never made much sense in the role, and was depicted as a hero in Thousand and One Nights. And I really never understood how Ireland of all places was so good at...
  10. S

    Alternate History Vivat Stilicho!

    A yugoslavia that includes real life Hungary would be a hell of a thing. If laws aren't eventually passed against Federate merger, even after that whole mess of Africa merging with the Visigoths, it'll probably happen sooner or later simply though royal marriages and male lines dying out. And...
  11. S

    Alternate History Vivat Stilicho!

    There are funny stories of travelers (from the elite Literati class of course) traversing China, Korea, Vietnam, and Japan without knowing a word of any local language, and forced to communicate purely with other Literati by writing Classical Chinese notes back and forth, Classical Chinese being...
  12. S

    Alternate History Vivat Stilicho!

    If the Irish were really smart, they'd elect Aloysius V High King. The Britons can't complain about electing a foreigner, nor about the suitability of that particular foreigner, nor would there be the humiliation of being technically a vassal to a native Irish High King for their chunk of...
  13. S

    Alternate History Vivat Stilicho!

    The other thing with Islamic slavery is total misogyny helps with preventing a permanent underclass. An Arab slaver's children with slave women are considered pure Arab after the Umayyads, the female bloodline is completely discounted. So you get things like red haired green eyed Caliphs of...
  14. S

    Alternate History Vivat Stilicho!

    The Emperors won't like sharing a city with the Senate though. There's a reason they moved to Milan, Ravenna, etc. Eastern Emperors have been made to regret Constantine's clever idea of making a new Senate in his New City ever since. The way I see it, the Aloysians have been trying to turn the...
  15. S

    Alternate History Vivat Stilicho!

    The Aloysians have learned that the Islamic border needs to be directly held. The Ghassanids certainly never had much luck holding it. The next thing to do with peace and a lot of goodwill built up is probably dealing with Greek autonomy. The Greeks sure can't say the Treveran regime hasn't done...
  16. S

    Alternate History Vivat Stilicho!

    Well, once the Nile-Red Sea canal silts up again because the central government can't afford maintenance at least. If the Caliphate manages to reunite, their remaining territory can still support plenty of ships, and can bring in ships and wood to support a campaign in the Levant.
  17. S

    Alternate History Vivat Stilicho!

    Improving the crossbow would be much easier than trying to replicate the longbowman on a larger scale, which nobody in real life ever managed despite the English Longbow's equally decisive successes. Chinese crossbows were much more mechanically efficient than Western crossbows for instance...
  18. S

    Alternate History Vivat Stilicho!

    The Teutons as the hospitallers is amusing. And I guess the Aloysian distrust of the Stilichians is going to be Egypt's greatest defense for some time. Also, I don't think Baghdad would exist in this timeline. Baghdad's founding was caused by the internal politics of the early Abbasid...
  19. S

    Alternate History Vivat Stilicho!

    The Chaldeans really aren't looking healthy, with the Romans wanting to wash hands of them, and fighting a civil war in the middle of their revolution. Aloysius I guess isn't hugely ambitious in being willing to concede Egyptian independence albeit without Alexandria. If he already has a red sea...
  20. S

    Alternate History Vivat Stilicho!

    Certainly, the same deal as the Pelagians got could be offered . . . but the example of the Pelagians also shows that any such deal can only be temporary. Ironically, Muslims and Jews can be offered the same accommodation existing Roman Jews have, but heterodox Christians can't be tolerated to...