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  1. S

    Alternate History Dewey Defeats Truman (for real)

    Circle of Willis A very good ride and still some interesting times ahead. Both in the US with a change of leadership and the question of whether the new President can ride two separate if not diverging horses. [Since he has selected JF Kennedy as his VP I assume he's not going to suddenly...
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    Alternate History Dewey Defeats Truman (for real)

    Well some heated confrontations there, both inside the US government and the wider world. I like the irony that when they 1st became states Alaska was a Democrat stronghold and Hawaii a Republican one. :) If I understand it correctly, the US has ended the draft, relying on only...
  3. S

    Alternate History Dewey Defeats Truman (for real)

    Circle of Willis Some interesting updated. [Been off-line for a week due to access problems so only now catching up.]. Hope Halleck can keep MacArthur in line else things could get very nasty very early. Sounds like the battle for black rights in the south is occurring earlier but as a...
  4. S

    Alternate History Dewey Defeats Truman (for real)

    Circle Well a hell of a lot happening there. Going to be interesting in terms of what both Halleck does internally and events internationally. If Halleck does too much to undermine the New Deal and alienate a lot of workers and the Democrats get their act together - surely they can't...
  5. S

    Alternate History Dewey Defeats Truman (for real)

    Circle of Willis The situation in the US is depressing but its always going to be a long haul and Dewey is having more success than OTL and hopefully he can maintain the momentum. Interesting that there was a potential forerunner for Rosa Parks but that the NAACP was too socially...
  6. S

    Alternate History Dewey Defeats Truman (for real)

    Well that's a bad sign about a Suez crisis being even more likely. Pity Nasser was such an egotistical asshole. :mad: I couldn't see a member of the Lords being PM at this stage. It was dubious enough with Halifax in 1940 and probably a significant reason why he turned down the job. Plus...
  7. S

    Alternate History Dewey Defeats Truman (for real)

    Sounding very promising, although disappoint about the coup in Guatemala due to economic interests pulling the wool over Dewey's eyes. It makes it more likely that the US is likely to make other actions in the future and also it won't be trusted by reforming groups in the region who are more...
  8. S

    Alternate History Dewey Defeats Truman (for real)

    Well the Democrats fouled up big time. By selecting such a bigot they secured the white south - which as you point out was pretty much the only section allowed to vote here - but lost everywhere else. Hopefully they will regroup and take a more responsible stance as every viable democratic...
  9. S

    Alternate History Dewey Defeats Truman (for real)

    Just to say on this point while Labour definitely initially supported Eden in 1956 I was referring to the clashes with Egyptian forces under Nasser attacking British forces in the Canal Zone in the years after the coup that removed the monarchy. This was 'settled' by an agreement in 1954 on a...
  10. S

    Alternate History Dewey Defeats Truman (for real)

    I can't really see it. You can devastate cities and industrial facilities and cause huge casualties and suffering. However that will also generate a lot of bitterness not to mention hatred. Where is the US going to find the millions of men that would be necessary to garrison even the key...
  11. S

    Alternate History Dewey Defeats Truman (for real)

    CoW Some very interesting developments there. Hadn't considered the impact in France but it seems likely that the communist would maintain more influence although they failed to gain power itself, which would have been a serious problem for all concerned. Not sure what will happen in...
  12. S

    Alternate History Dewey Defeats Truman (for real)

    I must admit I don't know a lot about the early 50's - a bit before even my time ;). However the much shorter Korean war is going to boost the economy position as after 5 years of slow rebuilding and also heavy emphasis on exports to pay off debts and imports by some accounts things were...
  13. S

    Alternate History Dewey Defeats Truman (for real)

    Hell, I never expected that! Dewey made a serious mistake there but fortunately it worked out OK for him and for the west. Would MacArthur have had access to that many nukes in such a short period of time without someone questioning this and news getting back to the White House? IIRC OTL...
  14. S

    Alternate History Dewey Defeats Truman (for real)

    Interesting. A slightly more right wing US but not greatly so as the cultural divide was far, far less than from the 1980's - especially since the Dixiecrats are still very important to the Democrats at this point. I wonder if we're going to see a significant diversion with the Korean war...