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  1. strunkenwhite

    Taiwan Straights Tension

    It should be noted that the article suggests the existing F15s could end up being replaced by ... newer F15s (EX).
  2. strunkenwhite

    Taiwan Straights Tension

    Him: Unless I missed the news article, they aren't. You: [You did miss it.] But then, you're remarkably good at missing things that don't fit your internal narrative. Him: Which is exactly what I said So you see, it's not necessarily bullshit. We can harmonize the posts completely if HL...
  3. strunkenwhite

    Taiwan Straights Tension

    That depends on how you measure empire, I suppose. The 19th century expansion across the continent was a wild success by every measure imaginable except humanitarian. Does it no longer count as empire if you successfully incorporate the new lands into your core? If the inhabitants there come to...
  4. strunkenwhite

    Taiwan Straights Tension

    Let me remind you what you said: "the U.S. Air Force will no longer even attempt to contest air superiority," and I say that "contest air superiority" means that one side is attempting to establish air superiority and the other side is attempting to stop that from happening, i.e. "contest" it...
  5. strunkenwhite

    Taiwan Straights Tension

    I was talking about the definition of the verb "contest" in the context of air superiority. And you used it wrongly. I surmised that you were just ignorant as to what the word was supposed to mean, but I'm not in your head, so I can't say if you somehow had your facts wrong instead (or also).
  6. strunkenwhite

    Taiwan Straights Tension

    I admit I got curious as to the (however slim) possibility that HL had actually found a source that said what he said it did or, failing that, at least used "contest" in a way ambiguous enough to mislead him into thinking that "not attempt to establish air superiority" and "not attempt to...