map thread

  1. VictortheMonarch

    What If? Alternative Empires

    So this thread is for Alternate Empire in history. So first off, you need a few things 1. Empire Title. 2. Flag of Empire 3. map of Empire 4. summary of empire and how it came into fruition. knock yourselves out, as I know I for sure will. try to specify what Culture and Religion the...
  2. VictortheMonarch

    Fantasical Animals And Where They Come From! (Zoology Map Thread)

    ALLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLRIGHT THEN! So then, I got an Idea, we take an animal, and we'll either cross breed it, or it somehow ends up elsewhere! From Hippo's in the Amazon, to Crocodiles in the Danube, New Animals in New Places! I'll obviously go first! Wonderful little Cat I thought up whilst...