military history

  1. S

    Osman Reborn; The Survival of Ottoman Democracy [An Ottoman TL set in the 1900s]
    Threadmarks: Prologue

    Prologue “The Legacy of the Italo-Ottoman War is one of incredulity in Italy, and one that of pride in the Ottoman Empire, and not without reason. The war did a lot to restore the pride of its citizens in the Ottoman Empire, and the people were once again proud to be called ‘Ottoman’ again...
  2. Buba

    General military questions thread

    I decided that I'll start a thread for military related questions which keep posters tossing and turning at night :) My question - is there a special term in English for a palisade/stakewall on top of a stone/brick wall, i.e. with the uprights not driven directly into the ground BUT with a...
  3. I

    Pre-Gunpowder General Military Thread

    Same rules as in the old thread. Anything from Stone Age to Renaissance - when melee weapons and non-gunpowder missile weapons are still the norm of the day! Let me start with asking a question that's been niggling at me. How do cavalry use two-hander swords? I know how sabers and spathas can...