
  1. VictortheMonarch

    The 2014 Russian Incursion into Crimea instead is a Russian-Ukrainian War

    What if in an alternative timeline Russia invades Ukraine? To set a few rules here to ensure someone doesn't go 'then NATO joins in and crushes Russia' because some 'tard is gonna think that's a suitable answer, the rules are thus, be concise in how you think it would work out, and how long it...
  2. VictortheMonarch

    China is Preparing for war with the West

    http://www.news.cn/politics/2021-08/29/c_1127807097.htm This article was released on a State Run Media run by the CCP. To sum it up for those who don't understand Mandarin, it's pretty much saying that China is the subject of biological warfare by Americans and how America made the Coronavirus...
  3. Guy of Z

    Recruitment Super Robot Wars Paradox Cascade: ReTrOgression recruitment

    On an Earth already scarred by the cataclysm between realities. The people of earth have been struck by another tragedy, further cosmic calamities have left time and space a tapestry unwoven from its base threads. Faced with an ever growing deluge of darkness, the heroes of multiple earths have...
  4. Obber

    Priotrez Fran an Unknown Story
    Threadmarks: ...

    Priotrez Fran By Obber _________________________________________ 2735 A.D That’s when our planet turns into dust.. But why.. Our home, just… gone in one push of a button. Damn them!! I will have my revenge you magnificent bastards of race. Um… heh.. Well not today at least, i guess in...