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  1. C

    Modern Food Controversies! The Food Pyramid, Seed Oils, Corn Syrup, the 'F' in FDA, Processed Foods and More!

    Animal fat from a free range, grass fed source that hasn't been exposed to pollutants and toxins (very difficult in the modern world even for free range animals mind you) is some of the most invigorating and nourishing food on the planet. BUT: keep in mind that animals store pollutants, toxins...
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    Modern Food Controversies! The Food Pyramid, Seed Oils, Corn Syrup, the 'F' in FDA, Processed Foods and More!

    Yes indeed. Agriculture was a very important part of the arms race of humanity. Adapt and evolve or be wiped out. With that said: on an individual level, grains are inferior as a food source to quality meats and organs. I won't go as far as claiming that grains are "poison"; but, just speaking...
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    EU General Italy Thread : Politics, Food, Tourism

    Modern warfare is synonymous cancer. Expose yourself to it enough and it is only a matter of when - not if - you develop cancers. Not just warfare but many other industries as well. In fact I would say the majority of jobs people do in this modern world, exposed them to things that cause...
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    China Wuhan Virus Pandemic

    When you just acknowledge that you, I, all of us are just cattle, many things begin to make sense. "Free Range" cattle at the moment at least
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    United States Trump Assasination Attempt! 07/13/24

    Many people commit slow, drawn out mental and physical suicide via the escapism of alcoholism or drug addiction. People drinking themselves to death is a form of suicide as far as i'm concerned "Like I said the left is a bunch of lying hypocrites. They don't hate the machine. They love the...
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    Modern Food Controversies! The Food Pyramid, Seed Oils, Corn Syrup, the 'F' in FDA, Processed Foods and More!

    Large amount of carbs without plentiful physical activity and eating meat and fats along with unhealthy. Otherwise they are fine to eat and this coming from a man who eats alot of potatoes and alot of meat. It doesn't have to be one or the other. Although to be honest, alot depends on...
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    Philosophy Embracing Polar Bear Extinction: A Nietzschean-Capitalist Perspective

    There is nothing trollish about the opening post. He isn't even wrong. Albeit it a little too much "pat humanity on the back" when, to be honest humans are all and all just as primitive minded as many animals.
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    Philosophy Embracing Polar Bear Extinction: A Nietzschean-Capitalist Perspective

    It really makes you think, when seemingly so many people value the lives of random animals, over that of other people. You see it all the time on local facebook groups; people losing their minds over random pets and animals, but not giving a fuck about the homeless or really much of anybody else...
  9. C

    Modern Food Controversies! The Food Pyramid, Seed Oils, Corn Syrup, the 'F' in FDA, Processed Foods and More!

    I don't think anybody in this thread is arguing that grains - or any sort of carbohydrate for that matter - are the pound for pound equal when it comes to satiety and nutrient density of meats and organs and genuine dairy products. I could live on meats and organs alone. I could live on genuine...
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    Modern Food Controversies! The Food Pyramid, Seed Oils, Corn Syrup, the 'F' in FDA, Processed Foods and More!

    Toxic Gaslighting: How 3M Executives Convinced a Scientist the Forever Chemicals She Found in Human Blood Were Safe Interesting article about forever chemicals being in peoples' bloodstreams', and the execs of the company not giving two shits about it. Might as well call that last sentence "the...
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    Modern Food Controversies! The Food Pyramid, Seed Oils, Corn Syrup, the 'F' in FDA, Processed Foods and More!

    Wrong. I've known Portuguese men to have literally almost died from consuming too much protein...while they can eat bread and carbs all day long and literally not get fat. On the flipside, I have known Inuit men and women that can eat five times the daily protein of that Portuguese man and be...
  12. C

    Modern Food Controversies! The Food Pyramid, Seed Oils, Corn Syrup, the 'F' in FDA, Processed Foods and More!

    Carb adaptation is genetic. some people can eat a ton of pasta and breads and other carbs and not put on weight, regardless of physical activity. Other people...cannot do this and NEED to be very physically active to not put on weight from a high carb diet. On another note, if you are an olive...
  13. C

    The Cryptid/ Unexplained Event/ Paranormal Thread.

    Red hair and six foot tall sounds like a possible "remnant" tribe of ancient humans that...went feral at some point or just decided to isolate itself from the world. A lot of supposed accounts of "red haired humanoids" from that part of the world. And North America as well: Si-Te-Cah - Wikipedia
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    Modern Food Controversies! The Food Pyramid, Seed Oils, Corn Syrup, the 'F' in FDA, Processed Foods and More!

    I'll give it a look Yes, indeed. Grains for instance - which receive so much of a bad wrap these days - are meant to be eaten by farms that worked the fields all day. Not by sedentary couch potatoes. Full carnivore dies are unnecessary at best; and potentially harmful at worse. Yeah, the...
  15. C

    "TradWives" Triggering Unhappy Feminists

    That's what I meant by that statement. Indeed, throughout almost all of human history, if something happened to a tribe's females, it was the males' fault. Females are not supposed to have genuine self accountability because they are not supposed to be in charge of their own lives - for their...
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    "TradWives" Triggering Unhappy Feminists

    Here's another article that I just very quickly skimmed through, but seems to be the typical ranty feminist, sideways female way of saying "I don't want to work a job or climb a corporate ladder; I want to be in a safe home surrounded by a loving family and a like community" What Comes After...
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    "TradWives" Triggering Unhappy Feminists

    Just skimmed through this but, man does this remind me of some girls I have known The secret lives of Shelby Hewitt, 32-year-old high school imposter - The Boston Globe Cliff notes: 32 year old DCF worker pretending to be a teen high school girl with foster parents at a few different Boston...
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    "TradWives" Triggering Unhappy Feminists

    On this whole "bear in the woods vs man in the woods" debate: I think the lot of you seriously underestimate just how afraid females are on a day to day basis. Most of them don't openly say it; but they are intimately aware of their own vulnerability. They are, to be quite frank, designed by...
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    "TradWives" Triggering Unhappy Feminists

    In the southern states it is not uncommon for people to eat their Mac & Cheese with six to eight sticks of butter melted into it. It's good stuff, man. Real high energy nourishing food if you are an active man.