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  1. Typhonis

    Five minutes of hate news

    So Illegal immigrants were able to collect SS and Medicare.....
  2. Typhonis

    Five minutes of hate news

    No...send them to....Detroit!
  3. Typhonis

    Five minutes of hate news

    How long until AOC and Omar are impeached thanks to immigration interference?
  4. Typhonis

    Five minutes of hate news

    All I know is Lego prices make GW prices look sane.
  5. Typhonis

    Five minutes of hate news

    Well, I have the worlds smallest violin playing a sad song for these parasites. I wonder if the old executives in charge of USAID can be charged with misappropriation of government funds for any program they supported that did not spend money on food, medicine and disaster relief?
  6. Typhonis

    Five minutes of hate news

    Actually I wonder how hard it will be for him to get a loan in the future? I mean he knows better than the banks? Well I guess they don't need to loan him any funds.He may declare that he doesn't have to pay it back.
  7. Typhonis

    Five minutes of hate news

    Trump wasn't president then. He also wasn't taking an axe to the FBI either.
  8. Typhonis

    Five minutes of hate news

    I wonder if Trump will call them on this?
  9. Typhonis

    Five minutes of hate news

    Guys. Is lying to Congress state or Federal?
  10. Typhonis

    Five minutes of hate news

    Was Biden competent enough to issue a pardon though? As others have pointed out he wasn't competent to stand trial.
  11. Typhonis

    Five minutes of hate news

    "Think of how stupid the average person is, and realize half of them are stupider than that." ― George Carlin
  12. Typhonis

    Five minutes of hate news

    Well it looks like the Dems are skimming off the top for donations to the LA Fires.
  13. Typhonis

    Five minutes of hate news

    Why do we have a Federal Reserve?
  14. Typhonis

    Five minutes of hate news

    It was also a mistake to blame Germany alone for WW1 when so many others also took part in it. Truly the lights went out in Europe never to come on again.
  15. Typhonis

    Five minutes of hate news

    Rand Paul released a report on the government's spending on various programs in 2024. Here is the actual report....over a Trillion dollars wasted.
  16. Typhonis

    Five minutes of hate news Odds the FEBS knew about this idiot and did nothing about him?
  17. Typhonis

    Five minutes of hate news

    The question becomes if they refuse to drop the case what can Trump do? Or would the NY AG obey a court order that dismisses the case?
  18. Typhonis

    Five minutes of hate news

    I have a question. Aren't pardons supposed to be issued to people convicted of a crime not as blanket immunity to having done a crime you have not been convicted of?
  19. Typhonis

    Five minutes of hate news

    We have the Freedom to Assemble here in the US and the House investigation into Covid said the law may not supercede the Constitution. Besides where were all of the Democrat arrests when they gathered together and partied?
  20. Typhonis

    Five minutes of hate news

    Of course. I'm all about due process and following procedure. Maybe appoint someone who has no ...'horse in the race' to determine what and how much is forfeited? give the recommendations to the judge and explain why those choices were made.