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    Five minutes of hate news

    After me,Deluge. Well,i could undarstand old leaders doing so,but what about their younger followers? they would live in shit after old guard die.
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    Five minutes of hate news

    In case of communism,you are right.people with higher education fall for it easily,when normal workers usually refused it.
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    Five minutes of hate news

    True,but why? becouse tribal really do not mean stupid,only belive in his own superiority and special rights. Most jews are tribal,too - and they are certainly not stupid. So why africans could not follow their example?
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    Five minutes of hate news

    I knew,but tribal do not mean stupid.You do not kill those hwo made your economy running.
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    Five minutes of hate news

    They saw how "good" it was for Rhodesia,and they still do that? truly,either they are idiots,or chineese agents. Why not both ?
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    Five minutes of hate news

    It must be joke.Nobody could be that stupid and still breathe.
  7. A

    Five minutes of hate news

    Good question. Even better answer.Basically,to turn american Republic into banana republic owned by 20-30 rich families.
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    Five minutes of hate news

    So,they plan to imprison them. In medieval times. Yup.
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    Five minutes of hate news

    That.British people who could fight back are long gone,becouse goverments turned them into cattle.
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    Five minutes of hate news

    Yep.Better bug then fellow human or even pets,if we have them. Well,unless fellow humans made us eat bugs....then,i could eat them,too.
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    Five minutes of hate news

    Musk.Who was democrats,till they killed his son.We do not need others,besides - we could wait till lgbt kill their children.Then they would come to MAGA. And Trump need american engineers and workers,not Silicon Valley. Not all protectionist - only enough to save USA economy. Besides,it...
  12. A

    Five minutes of hate news

    Well, you could win both world wars. Sadly,no.Poland is divided between people who want lick german boots becouse they paid them/Tusk/ and those who belive that we must do everytching what USA,Izrael,Ukraine and Lithuania want for free,becouse that is noble thing/Kaczyński/. Both would lead us...
  13. A

    Five minutes of hate news

    That. All goverments who want to made genocide disarmed population first. If somebody want take your weapon now,they would be after you tomorrow.
  14. A

    Five minutes of hate news

    postsoviet empire.And as long as our enemies fight each other,we should do not care about that. Bibi visits in Moscov,where he practically sit on Putin lap,and Izrael supporting Putin propaganda about soviets liberating Europe. Also monuments of red rapists army there. Shia do not genocide...
  15. A

    Five minutes of hate news

    Shia support Moscov against Ukraine,who is making monuments of UPA genociders,and fight Izrael. Which is also Moscov ally. They also fought Turkey in Syria,but lost.And when Turkey technically is ally,they still support genociders.
  16. A

    Five minutes of hate news

    Sadly no,you support sunni against shia.Probably becouse they murder christians there instead of "only" persecute them. And USA love it,so you must support deep state here.
  17. A

    Five minutes of hate news

    But...Hitler first allied with communism,and later lost to it thanks to his own,how coping loser could help us? Becouse loser remain loser even if he genocide people.
  18. A

    Five minutes of hate news

    And never persecuted them.Only your islamist friends did it. who are only groups which defend is as if you take weapons from american citizens and later claimed,that you are not responsible for bandits attacking and murdering them.
  19. A

    Five minutes of hate news

    It was war on the poor from the moment when banksters started support revolutions. And no,it is not Crusade.Real Crusades helped people,not destroyed them.
  20. A

    Five minutes of hate news

    you could sell yourself to many,if they are friends. For example,in Poland you could be agent of Moscov,Germany and Izrael,becouse they are friends. But muslims,hindu and China? they are not friends,they are enemies.They would not share agents.