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  1. PsihoKekec

    Five minutes of hate news

    It doesn't matter to Amazon, they are government contractors, they practically have a license to print money and have infinite lawfere war chest to continue making life of this family a living hell.
  2. PsihoKekec

    Five minutes of hate news

    Seethe harder
  3. PsihoKekec

    Five minutes of hate news

    And to surprise of no one, she is declared incompetent to stand trial. Judge finds woman incompetent to stand trial in fatal stabbing of 3-year-old outside supermarket So a spell in psychiatry before she is let off with some meds and therapy schedule. She's a racist who carried out racially...
  4. PsihoKekec

    Five minutes of hate news

    Won't stop them from trying, the process itself is the punishment.
  5. PsihoKekec

    Five minutes of hate news

    Any bet on how long before she is out to do a repeat performance?
  6. PsihoKekec

    Five minutes of hate news

    Back in the day there would be 3-4 search bots mining the forum at any time, now it's easily triple digits.
  7. PsihoKekec

    Five minutes of hate news

    Using the host country as attack dog is not patriotism, but just another form of parasitism.
  8. PsihoKekec

    Five minutes of hate news

    Those riots blew over quickly. There is no political alternative to submission to globalism as a mayor part of their GDP is being the EU tax haven for corporations, if that is gone their economy crashes and they go back to borderline third world existence. Politicians (including supposedly...
  9. PsihoKekec

    Five minutes of hate news

    But they won't, Irish government is fully WEF compliant and seeks to double the population through replacement immigration.
  10. PsihoKekec

    Five minutes of hate news

    The migration from sea to land was a mistake, dolphins and whales realized that and returned to the sea, they are the true conservatives.
  11. PsihoKekec

    Five minutes of hate news

    You realize they too were migrants, right?
  12. PsihoKekec

    Five minutes of hate news

    He is dealing with it, just not in the way that is good for the natives. He is not shy about his efforts to bring diversity enrichment into even the tiniest hamlets.
  13. PsihoKekec

    Five minutes of hate news

    A conservative muslim family will not accept infidel harlot, she probably didn't want to become religious.
  14. PsihoKekec

    Five minutes of hate news

    Media is scummy, Bezos Post is extra scummy. And given the Bezos ties to the deep state, it's basically regime sanctioned attack on wrongthinker.
  15. PsihoKekec

    Five minutes of hate news

    I didn't know ATF can arbitrary declare you firearms dealer and kill you in a no-knock raid. And your dog of course, if you have one. The ATF, America's 'Gaystapo,' Murders a Private Citizen War on legal firearms owners continues
  16. PsihoKekec

    Five minutes of hate news

    Messing with the members of the military industrial complex will get you clintoned.
  17. PsihoKekec

    Five minutes of hate news

    And how are people supposed to know that a guy beating up a woman is random thug and not her partner? If you see a violent act you call police and keep away unless it is about to escalate, like attacker wanting to kick the victim's head in. Unless you are sure no one is filming and you can...
  18. PsihoKekec

    Five minutes of hate news

    Actually it's very common thing for battered woman syndrome, woman will in majority of cases side with their beater against those intervening, so if you beat up a guy who is beating his wife/girlfriend, there is a very good chance that the woman will testify against you, which means two...
  19. PsihoKekec

    Five minutes of hate news

    People are so mentally cucked they will do this with smile on their face Netherlands this time, not the Cuckistan as mistakenly thought at first.
  20. PsihoKekec

    Five minutes of hate news

    People temporarily hired through temp agency don't give a shit about their temporary job, more breaking news at 11.